Media Cares Little About Unarmed White Guys Shot By Police – IOTW Report

Media Cares Little About Unarmed White Guys Shot By Police

This one should have caused an uproar. The sheriff was caught laughing about the shooting on video.


Remember last year when Sheriff’s deputies in Tennessee shot and killed an unarmed man? Me neither and that’s because the guy was white. Had he been black it would have been big news, but you know how it goes. This is only making the news now because the Sheriff who ordered the killing was caught on body cam laughing about this unnecessary police shooting.


7 Comments on Media Cares Little About Unarmed White Guys Shot By Police

  1. @Poor Lazlo February 8, 2018 at 8:37 am

    > Bad Cop

    Dial’s widow is suing White County, the Sheriff, and the deputies who fired for wrongful death.

    The fact that Dial’s widow is not suing White County, and the Sheriff’s and deputies’ widows, proves, beyond all reasonable doubt, “Cops”. Period. Full stop.

  2. Cops get away with murder every day.
    A Charles County Sheriff’s Deputy bragged (in public) about how he could kill his wife (with impunity) if she sought a divorce (she never did, to the best of my knowledge).
    Corruption runs deep and broad in any society where people can profit from the misery of others. And cops are a society unto themselves.

    (Disclaimer: Dad was a Deputy Sheriff (for a while) in Georgia, Father-in-Law was a Policeman in DC, Brother-in-Law was a Detective in Maryland, Cousin was a Georgia State Trooper, Uncle was an MP – I have the greatest respect for honest men – none, whatsoever, for the dishonest)

    izlamo delenda est …

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