Mitt Romney Attacks Trump in Op-Ed for the Washington Post – IOTW Report

Mitt Romney Attacks Trump in Op-Ed for the Washington Post

Romney’s piece moves the normally classy and staid Sundance to near profanity.

“F**k Romney!” is his last line.

You can read it here.

ht/ jerry manderin

32 Comments on Mitt Romney Attacks Trump in Op-Ed for the Washington Post

  1. Willard Wanker in the Chocolate Starfish Flackery

    It isn’t worth the time to read, but as I understand it Willard attacks DJT’s character. If so, Willard self-servingly confuses character with style. Trump’s style does indeed put some people off, but his character is sterling. Willard’s style is blandly orthodox but his character is crap.

  2. We don’t care about Trump’s mean words. He does what he says he’ll do. That’s character. Being “nice” isn’t character. It’s a disguise for someone who has no purpose, conviction or backbone. Go away Mitt.

  3. I didn’t know this. But I was talking to my brother in law, a good conservative who lives in AZ, and he tells me Flake is a Mormon and belongs to the same Trump hating sect as Romney.

  4. already the leading candidate for the ‘John McShitStain Quisling Award’ (better known as the ‘Republican of the Year Award’ by the democRats) for 2019
    … & hasn’t yet served a day in US government

  5. I just bookmarked this page. He will not want this to be talked about in a few months.
    Romney is going to be a real pain in our ass,P.Trump is going to have to put him in his place real fast, he is going to try and become the next McCain and stop P.Trump in his track. He wants to be the next President.
    It is time to call mitt and let him know how we feel about a loser trying to stop a Winner from making America great again.
    He is a real piece of crap. Call his office over and over again and tell them we will never vote for him ever. Shame him. Asshole he is.

  6. I never have liked the worthless cocksucker. Going back to the Atlanta Olympics, I saw right through his facade.

    He is a conniving, back room double dealing, snake in the grass. He is about as skeevy a bastard as has ever been in the public eye and how anyone ever fell for his brand of bullshit remains an enigma to me.

  7. The GOPe is alive and well — embodied and emboldened by Willard “Mitt” (what kind of nickname is that, anyway?!) Romney. Their fevered dreams of regaining the Republican vote is precious. They’re more despicable than the Left because they are indeed shape-shifting, back-stabbing pols who are those freaks of nature — being neither fish nor fowl, and wholly inadequate to fulfill either role except to cloak themselves in old leather, old cognac, expensive cigars, and the trappings of (what was once) a respected position. They are dinosaurs of American Greatness Inc., who have father issues and the deep-seated need to have not been a total failure. “Mitt” Romney had better see that his shoes have new leather because POTUS Trump is going to make him walk back every clever word. It seems Romney mistook an intimate dinner for something else. Watch and see if I’m not right.

    Fevered dreams, GOPe. We’ve thrown our caps over the wall with POTUS Trump and we’ve already thrown our hearts and minds with them. You can’t unring the Trump bell. Too late, boys.

  8. And you could do better Mitt, you couldn’t even beat Obama. If we would’ve nominated any other candidate for President than Donald Trump in 2016 hellary would be President right now and we would be destroyed as a nation. Thanks a lot Mitt for nothing, you’re a friggin loser and another Gopee gutless weenie. I hope President Trump puts you in your place and slaps you down as just another establishment do gooder who’s only in it for himself. You would’ve been a bad president anyway, so just go away and shut up and leave us alone with all your sanctimonious, self righteous bitching that you should be in charge. And besides you suck since your old man ran American Motors/Rambler who built some of the crummiest cars ever to come out of Detroit.


    SOMEONE had to take over for dead McCain and out-the-door Jeff Flake.

    I just hope Lindsey Graham doesn’t get lonely and cozy up to Romney, then there will be a Romney clone out there.

    Classless jerk!

  10. Mittens is a carpetbagging phony.
    Not very swift either. He’s so deep in his bubble of a life he obviously thinks saying “Thank-you” to the waiter is communicating intimately with real Americans.
    That op ed was basically his announcement of his refusal to work with Trump.
    Has anyone looked at his campaign speeches to see what promises he made?

  11. Funny Mittens criticizing Trump’s tone and things he’s said. He may say it with a smile and in a low volume but Mittens is being very hypocritical by setting an adversarial, insulting tone.

  12. Nobody follows Romney anymore. He carries no voters and no power and his only gig to get attention now is as a puppet for the left. Maybe Jeff Bezos bought him for a couple of bags of groceries from his Whole Foods Chain.

  13. I was disappointed when Bro. Mitt entered the presidential race. It betrayed his arrogance and narcissism, and he did betray his faith at least once before his humiliating loss (obviously not humiliating enough to bring humility to Bro. Mitt).

    I was again disappointed when Bro. Mitt chose to carpetbag Utah’s election for the first carpetbagger, Borin’ Orrin’s, senate seat. This time, I was not so disappointed in him as I was disappointed in Utah’s electorate, as I knew they would elect him in a landslide, after he breezed through the primary (it was encouraging that he was forced into a primary, but his opponent was perceived, rightly or not, as a flake and an unknown, all legitimate candidates having dropped out early in the process).

    Surprisingly, Bro. Mitt did not win convincingly in November. Sixty-two point six percent is not a landslide in Utah (though that disappointing result may likely be because of extensive voter fraud in democrat controlled counties, most importantly, Salt Lake County — and in typical Bro. Mitt fashion, he never brought up the possibility.)

    I must now watch this train wreck and wonder if perhaps I was too rash in not voting for Jenny Wilson after all. Probably not, but it will still hurt. Realpolitik is harsh.

  14. If only I had a dollar for every envious, whiny, bitter, ‘wanted to be POTUS but couldn’t make the cut’ former presidential hopeful, I’d be as rich as George Soros.
    Fuck Romney and his weird underwear.

  15. Mr. Romney attacks on Trump are for Personal and Political reasons.
    But I see the main point as it will position him for another losing run at the presidency.

    Mr. Romney lacks national charisma, he simply lacks that National leadership glow. He has proven even to be too gentle to take on Obama in debates. He basically is a GOP version of Jimmy Carter dressed as sweet kind hearted Mr. Rogers (PBS). While both are great men, at their state elected level. They are still a persons that never should be elected to lead the Country in a world that would rather kick us than talk and work out issues. The USA needs strong leadership NOT Globalists or Socialists wishing to change us into a EU style USSA

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