Most Americans Expect Election To Be Disrupted In November – IOTW Report

Most Americans Expect Election To Be Disrupted In November

Courthouse News

As Americans navigate their upended daily lives during the Covid-19 pandemic, two-thirds expect the crisis to disrupt the presidential election in November, the Pew Research Center reported Tuesday.

In a survey of 4,917 adults between April 7 and 12, 67% of respondents said it was at least somewhat likely that the coronavirus outbreak will affect the Nov. 3 election, including 50% of Republicans and 80% of Democrats.

Though a majority of Americans nonetheless expected the presidential election to be fair, accurate and accessible, the averages belied a significant partisan schism. While 59% overall said that the election will be conducted fairly and accurately, the average was derived from a 75% majority of Republicans and a 46% plurality of Democrats.

Similarly, a 63% majority felt that all citizens who want to vote will be able to do so, which was averaged between 87% of Republicans and only 43% of Democrats. More

6 Comments on Most Americans Expect Election To Be Disrupted In November

  1. Need to wait until it is bitterly Cold, or horrendously Hot , to

    start the Bugaloo …That way…when the Power goes out…People will

    really be uncomfortable…You know anybody with a Ham Radio? Become

    their Friend…CB’s for short range.

  2. Why are there discrepancies along party lines, doesn’t the chinese flu affect all people regardless of their party affiliation?

    Aren’t most young people democrat voters and the virus affects older people more? So wouldn’t republicans be more affected?

    Oh that’s right, news consumption from the fear mongering left is keeping democrats at home.

    We’re supposed to change the centuries old tradition of voting at a polling place because the left media has spun their voting base into fear? Seems to me like that strategy should be changed rather than making changes at the ballot box.


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