NBC Remaking Hart To Hart – The Gay Version – IOTW Report

NBC Remaking Hart To Hart – The Gay Version

ht/ illustr8r

TVline – NBC is putting a modern spin on a small-screen classic.

Hart to Hart — the mystery drama, starring Robert Wagner and Stefanie Powers, which ran on ABC from 1979 to 1984 — is being remade with a gay couple at the forefront, our sister site Deadline reports.

NBC’s Hart is described as a “modern and sexy retelling” of the original, starring “by-the-book” attorney Jonathan Hart and “free-spirited investigator” Dan Hartman. The couple will struggle to balance their love of crime-solving with their love of one another.


Ya, it’s sexy. It’s “modern.”

Why Hart To Hart?

How about Dick To Dick?

It’s about detectives.

57 Comments on NBC Remaking Hart To Hart – The Gay Version

  1. More crap that I’ll never watch. And besides the original Hart To Hart was lame anyway. What next a remake of Charlie’s Angels where at least one or more of the women are lesbians with Rosie playing the fat one. There is not a damned thing new worth watching on TV now and I hate NBC. Is the NBC Peacock going to be gay as well?

  2. Well, Fur, like a “gay,” a peacock does make noise louder and more shrill than all the other zoo animals combined. He also turns around and points his ass at you when he displays his tail plumage, which he does to boast that “cock” is actually part of his name.

  3. Man-o-man Fur, you are a hoot.

    I had the pleasure of meeting Wagner and Powers one time at my dealer’s gallery in Aspen-not a doubt in the world, they radiated MOVIE STAR-they are a striking couple.

  4. New TV show remakes with gay themes:

    Brady Bunch- Brady Humps
    The A Team- The Gay Team
    My 3 Sons- My 3 Sodoms
    Family Ties- Family Guys
    ALF (Alien life form) – AILF (Ass I’d like to fu___)
    Sanford and Son- Sanford in Son

    Got any more?

  5. NBC can pull my finger and FOAD!

    This is only the beginning.
    Forget the token black guy in commercials, movies, and tv shows…They have already been replaced with “happy gay white male couple.”

  6. I’m sick of network television altogether. There was a commercial on the other evening during football where they were showing how a meal brings families together. It was all well and good until one “Family” was two women at a table.

    They had to throw in the gay couple to be all “Inclusive” of course.

    I feel I should write to let them know neither of the women wore flannel and they both looked like attractive ladies. Totally not real. All the gay couples I have known had one “Alpha” female that was a long way from the two hot women portrayed in ads as “Couples”.

  7. The Naked City, one of my all time favorite cop shows wouldn’t even have to be renamed. It could stay with the same title but now would be about the 8 million naked people in NYC. Woo hoo, naked people on TV, what a concept, NOT! I think that’s usually called porn.

  8. I was watching an episode of The Naked City the other night.
    Burgess Meredith was on it.
    It was fascinating.
    At the newsstand they had a comic book hanging up.
    It was Amazing Fantasy 15.
    Comic fans will know how valuable this is.
    It was filmed around the time it came out.
    Pretty cool, they had no idea the value at the time.

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