Nevada Gov Sisolak (D) refused to disclose whereabouts and medications prior to accident – IOTW Report

Nevada Gov Sisolak (D) refused to disclose whereabouts and medications prior to accident

After 360 News Las Vegas successfully obtained Police Body Camera footage of Gov Sisolak’s car accident scene last week, folks had questions about his sobriety and his protective detail removing “stuff” from his car.

So, 360 News Las Vegas served Governor Sisolak with an open records request regarding his car accident and his whereabouts prior. Today his office responded, sort of. more

police bodycam video

15 Comments on Nevada Gov Sisolak (D) refused to disclose whereabouts and medications prior to accident

  1. I live right next door to Nevada. And Northern Nevada is appealing. So I follow their Politics. How in the exact fuck did the loser get elected Gov. I know. Dominion. I’m pretty sure at birth someone branded “Stone Cold Loser” on his ass.

  2. I haven’t commented on this post specifically to save my sanity and blood pressure.
    I live in Nevada and hate this cock-sucking sackofshit motherfucker so much the feds would visit me at 4 AM if I gave my true opinion.

    Therefore I will shut the fuck up and have another margarita.
    Cheers friends…I am fine. It’s all fine…

  3. When I first saw a picture of this slime pit I thought wow! …Frank Nitti has arisen. Apparently, not only does he look like Frank, he also acts like him. Would somebody please ask for a special pickup from Waste Management?

  4. His protective detail should ALSO be concerned with protecting the public from this asshole.

    They are coppers who swore an oath to the PUBLIC FIRST and NOT the ASS-LICK. (he comes second)
    They ultimately will not be assigned to him forever. That is a fact.


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