“No, You Disgrace and Failure of a President, NOT Fighting Back Radicalizes Moderate Muslims” – Bill Whittle – IOTW Report

“No, You Disgrace and Failure of a President, NOT Fighting Back Radicalizes Moderate Muslims” – Bill Whittle

Another Bill Whittle home run.

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20 Comments on “No, You Disgrace and Failure of a President, NOT Fighting Back Radicalizes Moderate Muslims” – Bill Whittle

  1. The Mozlim cowards have a long time habit of targeting weakness. Women, children and innocent civilians have always been the preferred target of their indiscriminate brutality as well as sneaking around without uniforms for surprise. Since this is their MO, of course they are emboldened by weakness! You cannot negotiate with them or appease them. That just tells them they are right and eggs them on. The only thing these cave-men understand is someone with a bigger hammer and lots of pain! Then they run like rats and squeal like girls when they’re on the losing side of a battle.

  2. I bring up Charles James Napier Governor of all India, who put a stop to the custom of burning widows alive after the Husband dies.
    “Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
    To which I add:
    No, Barry you worthless, over educated piece of crap, Fighting Back is an American Tradition. It is our custom and we are proud of it. When we see a snake endangering our own, and our friends we kill it. When attacked we are merciless. That is our tradition, and our way. It is what makes us free, and continue to be free long after your miserable carcass has passed through the worms.
    Their custom is to prey on the weak. Ours is to kill those who do.
    “Let us all act according to national customs.”

  3. “…the rest of the world is not that stupid….not anymore.”

    We hope & pray….& hope & pray that we are no longer that stupid anymore
    …next election will tell….

  4. What I don’t like most about Obama is that he’s so uppity. (note: the reason I come here is it’s the only place on the net that people will think that ultra-non-PC crack is funny AND has a the ring of truth to it.)

  5. …also keep in mind this is the same guy who started his political career in Bill Ayers’ living room, sat in Jeremiah Wright´s “church” for 20 years and helped usher in the muzlim brotherhood.
    When the “reverend” said: “God Damn America!”, the Jihad-coddling, America-hating, phoney-baloney plastic banana Communist-Organizing Manchurian Doorknob said “right on!”

  6. Obama is quickly becoming irrelevant to whom it matters most – almost to the point of being worth more dead than alive.

    As odd as it sounds, that may not be a good thing in the long term.

  7. We used to know how to win.

    We beat the Japs so bad that they’ve used their intelligence to create sexbots to screw rather than run the risk of creating more Japanese. That’s how badly we kicked their asses and self esteem in.

    And the Krauts? Just read a newspaper. They’re a nation of bedwtting beta males now.

    We cut off their balls and threw them in the Rhein. They still haven’t found them.

    But what about us?

    Let’s be honest.

    We’ve shit the bed in every conflict since Korea. It’s a miracle that anyone takes us seriously anywhere, anymore. It’s a huge statement about how fucked up the rest of the world is that anyone even considers us as leaders at this point.

    But this Muzzie deal is different. This one falls outside of statecraft; these fuckers aren’t Russian or Asian. Those enemies value life, at least, they value their own and their kids.

    They don’t want to die.

    The sand people can’t wait to kick. They’re begging us to martyr them.

    I say, why fight City Hall? Give the desert scum what they want.

    But we all know it will take a NY or Chicago or Washington disappearing before we wake up.

    Too bad us white folks are such pussies.

  8. Hey Chief, was down in SoCal selling my wares for the last couple days. I’m convinced the revolution starts there and they’re not all white, but they are Patriots. Some of them don’t even speak good English. But what they all have in common is they don’t like being pushed around by their government. Interesting trip.

  9. I realize that in the current PC, don’t blame the victim, antirational environment that this is an improper thing to say, but…
    Weakness is a provocation to violence.
    It exists in all levels of nature up to and including mankind.
    For a species to survive long term it is imperative that the weak be culled. That culling never happens in a kind and gentle way.
    Absent the weak, there would be no bullies.
    There are only three options;
    Make the weak stronger.
    Let the weak die.
    Become extinct.
    The choice is ours.

  10. The above was me. The local Gov closed the Angeles National Forest to shooters because of fire danger. There’s nothing left to burn. Gun store owners I met with were under the impression it was a state wide ban. When I informed them that was bull shit they were a little heated. Another attack on the 2nd by lib ass holes.

  11. I was thinking, damn, “Anonymous” sure sounds like Brad.

    There are times when I comment here without signing in (mostly because I’m rushing) and I’ll get more “likes”than I do when I’m “Me”.

    I suppose that makes sense on some level. We begin to “know” each other’s online predilections.

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