1. I’m so depressed about what’s going on. Trump is being flimflammed by Democrats and Republicans. He is doing the best he can for all people in this Country, and the Democrats are completely off the ranch with anger about that. They had their opportunity, and blew it. Remember that car in the ditch story Obama told over and over again? He made the car go into a pond. Sorry for my rant, but please pray for Trump, and the Republicans to grow a spine and fight back. And tearing down Civil War Monuments won’t *heal* anything. This is just a false flag to rally their base around something other than policy. (which they cannot run on because they have none. ) God Bless America, and TRUMP. MAGA!

  2. What about Civil War Union generals from slave states. Should their statues be torn down?

    The Emancipation Proclamation only purported to free the slaves in the Confederate States, but the Confederacy was under a different government so it didn’t matter.

  3. Ill take them seriously when they hunt down Robert Byrds surviving family members and kill them.

    The last publicly known and self proclaimed member of the KKK we had in elected office in congress was just a few short years ago, the demoRat senate majority leader, Hitlerys mentor, Robert Byrd. Many blacks are very dumb and the ones that aren’t are evil.

  4. When I was a kid growing up in El Lay, negro lawn jockeys were very popular…until…the Watts riot in the mid 60s. Suddenly, all those lawn jockeys were sporting fresh “flesh-toned” paint jobs.

  5. Russia??? Anyone remember Russia being such a big deal?? So that narrative fell apart but thankfully we now have WHITE SUPREMACISTS to beat to a bloody pulp (physically and verbally).

  6. Cate, I agree with everything you said. I am so sick of these cretins who think they are human beings. They mock our country and our God. They have no respect for others. They have no goodness in their souls.

    I, too, pray for our country. I pray for our President, that he has the guidance of God to lead this country through all evils.

  7. … funny thing is that R.E. Lee never owned slaves … his daddy’s were sold off to pay debts …. his wife owned slave inherited from her father that Lee, as executor of the estate, gave freedom to on Jan. 2, 1863, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CIVIL WAR … as according to the will
    … know who did own slaves … Ulysses S. Grant! … & he only freed his wife’s slaves in 1866 when the 13th Amendment was passed
    Fuck all you assholes that don’t know your history but are so quick to judge … you weren’t there … you have no right to bring your so-called ‘modern morality’ into something that happened before you where born … go talk to that democrat paragon of virtue Franklin Roosevelt about the Japanese Interment Camps & get back to me … k? … your ‘outrage’ is showing … puuuuuuuuuleeeeeeeze

  8. “They could be repurposed immediately, if we brought back lawn jockeys.”

    I can’t wait til my ‘fro is full grown
    I’ll just leave all my do-rags at home
    and take a drive to
    Beverly Hills just before dawn
    and knock the little jockeys off the rich peoples’ lawns
    and before they get up I’ll be gone
    long gone
    yeah before they get up
    I’ll be knockin’ the jockeys off the lawns
    down in the dew

    (frank zappa, “uncle remus”)

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