Obama Dances on Graves of Shooting Victims… – IOTW Report

Obama Dances on Graves of Shooting Victims…

…even before they were counted, identified or buried.

la-2440129-na-1003-shooting-mwy-1796-jpg-20151004from Conservative Tribune

Sheriff Over Oregon Shooting Investigation Wrote SHOCKING Letter To Obama Admin 2 Years Ago

After the mass shooting at the campus of Umpqua Community College, President Obama didn’t waste any time getting in front of the cameras and lecturing Americans on our Second Amendment rights.

The sheriff of Douglas County, where Roseburg was located, took a different approach, however. Refusing to refer to the shooter by his name, Sheriff John Hanlin took a more tactful approach after the disgusting tragedy.

Now, perhaps, we can understand why. In a letter sent in early 2013, just a month after the Sandy Hook massacre, Sheriff Hanlin told Vice President Joe Biden abrogating the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans wasn’t the solution to America’s mass murder problems.

“Gun control is NOT the answer to preventing heinous crimes like school shootings,” Hanlin said in the letter, according to the U.K. Daily Mail. He also told the vice president that he wouldn’t enforce any new federal regulations that went against the Second Amendment.

This isn’t the first time that Sheriff Hanlin has spoken out for gun rights, either. This past April, after Oregon passed a law that prohibited private sales of guns without background checks, Sheriff Hanlin noted that there were laws “that prohibit the possession of other things, like methamphetamines,” but that they don’t seem to work either.


11 Comments on Obama Dances on Graves of Shooting Victims…

  1. I think obangay just wanted to be prez for the Secret Service protection. I can see somebody bitch slapping him at least weekly cause he is such a candyass……….Michelle probably does!!!!

  2. O’vindictive always gets his revenge. Just saw a headline that the little tyrant is working on executive orders concerning gun control. There were no details as yet.

  3. Obozo flunkie Biden introduced the Gun Free School Zones Act in 1990, and it was signed into law by a Boooosh!! Joe helped build this mess, and Barry wallows in the carnage.

  4. I appreciate the sheriff for knowing, supporting the law, and the rights of citizens.

    I found this line confusing:
    “The sheriff of Douglas County, where Roseburg was located,…”

    Was located?? Really. Roseburg moved??
    When did Roseburg move? Where is Roseburg now?

  5. Oh wait… I think I figured it out. Roseburg moved in a effort to keep Obama from visiting, and further politicizing the incident. Dancing on the graves within town limits.

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