Officer Left For Dead Made Fun of By Animals On Social Media – IOTW Report

Officer Left For Dead Made Fun of By Animals On Social Media

There is no backstory necessary for social media animals. It’s an officer down and that’s good enough for them to be jubilant.


Here’s the flotsam that can be jettisoned out to sea for all I care.

Daily Caller-

A traffic stop turned violent in Alabama when it is alleged Janard Shamar Cunningham attacked the officer who pulled him over, pistol-whipping him unconscious before fleeing the scene.

Cunningham, who has a long rap sheet with six convictions dating back to 1999, was later arrested and charged in the crime. But the real story here is the social media reaction.


After the officer, a detective, was beaten unconscious, a picture of him laying face down on the group was posted to Facebook. The caption read, “Pistol whipped his ass to sleep” with several emoticons of laughing to tears and skulls, presumably implying death. It also included the hashtag #FckDaPolice.

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18 Comments on Officer Left For Dead Made Fun of By Animals On Social Media

  1. When will the DNR declare open season on these less-than-animals?

    Neither the perpetrator nor the laughees are living beings. They are soulless (having sold them to Satan) ghouls animated by demons from Hell.

  2. Tim to stop patrolling the ghettos. Put up a fence, throw beer, and junk food in once in a while and let them kill each other off…I see no problem with that given the way these mental midgets behave…Hell France, Germany and England have no go zones..Just make sure the fence is tall and electrified…

  3. Too bad Brad wasn’t around. The outcome would have been different.
    People are out of their fuckin minds. That’s why I carry two weapons.
    I practice more than I use too and I work out with a hand to hand combat instructor.

  4. I’ll bet my cat, my hat and my front porch, this officer works for a candy ass social worker Chief that would rather sacrifice this Officer to the Sharpton gods than stand behind him and with this in mind that Officer didn’t conduct business in a fashion that would have prevented this shit stain negro from getting the upper hand and the Officer paid the price.
    This is the case nationwide and we will bury more good Officers because of it.

  5. A friend of mine is an elected judge who has been on the bench for quite some time. He has sentenced the same people, over and over, and now is also sentencing the children of those previously sentenced. Shit apparently rolls downhill, generation to generation. When you look into the eyes of the criminals, there is nothing there. They have no sympathy or empathy for their victims. You are so right when you call them soulless. They are empty shells, and I have no idea how to fix them, how to bring them from darkness into the light of Christ. They actually seem to prefer the dark. It just crushes me.

  6. That’s my surname too. He shares it because one of my distant cousins south of the mason-dixon did not do that.

    More importantly, what will the Fonz say when he finds out Mrs. C’s favorite son drank 88 little shots of beer and misbehaved.

  7. This officer is very lucky to be alive after having his weapon taken from him. He was being Watched Over.

    2015 thus far for just ILOD Deaths, not including non-lethal assaults:

    Line of Duty Deaths: 71

    9/11 related illness: 3
    Accidental: 2
    Assault: 3
    Automobile accident: 17
    Fall: 1
    Gunfire: 19
    Gunfire (Accidental): 2
    Heart attack: 11
    Motorcycle accident: 2
    Struck by vehicle: 4
    Vehicle pursuit: 4
    Vehicular assault: 3

    By Month

    January: 14
    February: 2
    March: 16
    April: 6
    May: 16
    June: 9
    July: 5
    August: 3

    By State

    Alabama: 4
    Arkansas: 1
    California: 3
    Colorado: 2
    Florida: 1
    Georgia: 5
    Guam: 1
    Hawaii: 1
    Idaho: 1
    Illinois: 1
    Kansas: 1
    Kentucky: 3
    Louisiana: 7
    Maryland: 2
    Mississippi: 5
    Nebraska: 1
    New Jersey: 3
    New Mexico: 1
    New York: 3
    North Carolina: 1
    Ohio: 1
    Oklahoma: 1
    Oregon: 1
    Pennsylvania: 4
    South Carolina: 1
    Tennessee: 2
    Texas: 8
    Tribal Police: 1
    U.S. Government: 3
    Washington: 1
    Wisconsin: 1

    By Gender

    Male: 69
    Female: 2


    Average age: 40
    Average tour of duty: 12 years, 5 months

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