“Oh, the black students drew the racist imagery? Never mind.” – IOTW Report

“Oh, the black students drew the racist imagery? Never mind.”


University President Janet Dudley-Eshbach issued a statement soon after the drawing was discovered about how the issue was being “taken seriously” and asserted that the school “will not tolerate this kind of language or behavior.”

Dudley promised the perpetrator would be prosecuted “to the fullest extent of the law.”

But that was before they used video to catch out who actually drew the sick racist drawing: two Black students.

The nigger hangman was drawn by two Black sophomores at the school.

All of a sudden, that determination crumbled to dust:

But after realizing it was two black students who drew the picture – which showed the hangman crying, included the N-word with an arrow pointed at the stick figure, as well as the message #whitepower –  they decided not to press criminal charges, The Delmarva Daily Times reports.

English Associate Professor James King told The SU Flyer that the school’s investigation identified the students responsible for the racist drawing, which was originally discovered April 10.

“I confirm two students have been identified,” he said, “and are both African American.”


13 Comments on “Oh, the black students drew the racist imagery? Never mind.”

  1. Not much different than the bull shit going on in California right now. Minimal arrests. Just wait until a Trump supporters start fighting back. They’ll all be arrested.

  2. University President Janet Dudley-Eshbach …. asserted that the school “will not tolerate this kind of language or behavior.

    That is unless the perpetrators of the supposed hate crime are black. Then the school will gladly tolerate it and pretend it never happened.

    But what if the black perps were trans-white people who upon gaining their newfound white privilege compulsively became racist against blacks, because that’s what whitey always does? What a massive hairball of sheer stupidity and hypocrisy these leftists have created.

  3. Two black people writing racist messages on a board with the specific intent of enraging other black people by making them think a white person did it. They do this knowing full well that some blacks are hotheaded morons who will use that message as an excuse to kick the shit out of some random white kid, possibly fucking him up for life. But they don’t give a shit, because black privilege means you can act like a total fucking cunt and big mammy white liberal gubmint will have your back every step of the fucking way, even if a white person dies indirectly because of your stupid fucking stunt. Because the official government policy in the US is now “Fuck Whitey. Let’s displace him on the entire global stage.”

  4. This was a blatant attempt to incite a riot, and they should be charged accordingly. And because this attempt was based on race, let them be charged with a hate crime as well. After all, they hate whitey so much, they were trying to incite violence based on the colour of their intended victims’ level of melanin.

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