Oh, The Irony – IOTW Report

Oh, The Irony

Click through to see toxic level stupidity and thuggery by our own military.

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7 Comments on Oh, The Irony

  1. The purge of leadership has been complete for about 2 years. The pentagon is completely a tool now for whoever is in power. They have no moral convictions.

    Fuck them all.

  2. There is a reason why BO wants non-citizens to replace US citizens in our military.

    They are much more likely to obey orders to shoot citizens who object to military rule.

  3. To blame Obama for what Bush did is not only wrong; it is COUNTERproductive. We got to this place by electing RINO Presidents.

    For those spending the last 2 decades in space the RINOs names were: George Bush!

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