Old Smelly Hippie – IOTW Report

Old Smelly Hippie

Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 10.01.24 PM

19 Comments on Old Smelly Hippie

  1. There was an idiot (yeah, it will be obvious when I tell you what he said) at the next table in a restaurant we ate in tonight. He was saying how VERY different communism and socialism are. He had a number of other “wisdoms” to pass along, regarding global warming, and the use of (evil) plastic. Mr. JannyMae and I kept our mouths shut, and so did the man he was sitting with, and the woman didn’t have much to say either. They were no doubt his parents, and I’m pretty sure Dad was sitting there thinking “I paid all that money for this little asshole to go to college and now he’s a know-it-all who knows nothing.”

  2. Socialists are servile idiots. They would rely of government bureaucrats for their basic necessities, when everyone who isn’t brain dead knows that the government could screw up a one car parade. Free market countries don’t have shortages of toilet paper and feminine hygiene products, for example.

  3. As I have learned from another site, “the difference between a socialist and a communist is this: a socialist is a communist who has not yet found his gun and the will to use it; a communist is a socialist who HAS found his gun AND the will to use it.”

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