Our Letter Writing Activist, Mansfield Lovell – IOTW Report

Our Letter Writing Activist, Mansfield Lovell

In an effort to encourage letter writing, a useful tool in our fight against the left and its PC CULTURE, I will be happy to post communications written by our readers to entities that have caved to political correctness. If you send one in, please put Letter Writing in the subject line.


Dear Academy – I went into a local Academy Sports and saw that all the AR-style rifles have been removed from your shelves. I was told this is a company-wide policy made by upper management in the wake of the Orlando Moslem Shooting Atrocity.

Dicks Sporting Goods did the same type thing a few years back and their gun sales have never fully recovered to this day.

Please express to your management that it was my intention to make several high-dollar accessory purchases today totaling over $1,000 but I put everything back once I saw your store’s bare shelves and found out why. You people are Politically Correct idiots.

The Orlando atrocity wasn’t about guns. It was about a Stone Age cult committing an atrocity against Americans who are gay.   

Looks like I’ll be buying my hunting, fishing and shooting stuff from the local BassPro.


-Mansfield Lovell


20 Comments on Our Letter Writing Activist, Mansfield Lovell

  1. Yep! Just taking your bucks elsewhere isn’t enough (the marketplace equivalent of simply not voting): it’s SO important to let the jerks know that they DID get your business and are now LOSING it.

    There must still be a *few* “eeeeeevil” capitalists up in management that still understand companies need to sell sh!t (and that there’s a relationship to that with making a profit and surviving as a business…what a concept!).

    You were born with a mouth pen-in-hand: USE it!

  2. I just emailed BFH, suggesting a gay rainbow Confederate Rebel flag combo. it should confuse the shit out of the leftists.

  3. If I think of any additional ideas for BFH’s AgitProp section I’ll pass them along.

    Meanwhile, if Acadummy wants to see all my receipts for shit I’ve bought there, I’ll be happy to prove that I spend at least $5000 a year there.

  4. Claudia, please look at the Sig P938 – 9mm instead of .380, almost exactly the same size and weight, and pocketholster.com has a very nice fitted pocket holster that doesn’t print. Sweet, accurate, easy to handle, perfect for everyday carry.

  5. Thanks for the suggestion, Phuzzy Logick. I have looked at those, too. Haven’t decided for sure yet. Will need to shoot both to decide. Have some time at the range coming up soon.

  6. @Claudia – as a bit of unsolicited advice, I concur with Phuzzy as far as caliber. The .380 is also known as a 9mm “short” (same diameter bullet, but less power which allows the casing to be shorter). In today’s market, many companies make 9 mm pistols that are very close to the same size as the.380 choices.

    Over the last 10 years or so, hollow point bullet design has improved greatly such that a 9 mm performs pretty close to as well as the larger .40 S&W and even the .45 ACP as far as penetration and wound cavity goes. Before these improvements, the 9 mm was considered as being greatly less effective than the larger calibers.

    From talking to people that shoot these pistols (.380 and 9 mm), the recoil of the 9 is about the same as the .380 in comparable sized guns, but you get about 75% more energy with the 9 mm (about 350 foot pounds of energy versus about 210 for the .380).

    Just my own opinion, but I wouldn’t be reluctant to carry a 9 mm these days with good ammo like Federal HST, Speer Gold Dot or winchester Ranger bonded (same as the PDX1 that costs twice as much). 10 years ago, I would have been reluctant to trust a 9 mm regardless of ammo and I personally wouldn’t trust a .380 as a primary weapon unless I didn’t have another choice.

    And anyone looking for a great deal on premium self defense ammo in .40 S&W, you might try these (an FBI contract overrun of the Winchester Ranger bonded (PDX1) – they won’t last long).


  7. Hey Gen. Mansfield, don’t forget to tell them that you will tell ten other people what happened to you at their store. You know what they say – one complaint means that ten were offended! Remember to include it as a “post script.”

  8. @Bubba’s Brother – I use Federal Hydra-Shoks in 9mm because their penetration is almost always 15″, they *always* expand correctly, and they’re relatively cheap and widely available.

    @Claudia, if you decide on the .380, please consider the Liberty hollow points. They advertise 1500 fps but you won’t get that from the short barrel of a P238, more like 1100 fps which is still much better than 800 fps from standard loads.

  9. Phuzzy – Don’t know if you’ll see this, but the site I linked to above has some really good prices for the Federal hydra shok in 9 mm as well (50 round boxes for about $26). He is very reasonable on shipping too (a 500 round case of the .40 cal ships for $14, no tax if you aren’t in OK – I think the minimum shipping is $10 or $12 for anything so I always order several boxes checking the shipping cost as I go, but it is based solely on weight). Here’s a link to his 9 mm ammo with a lot of good loads:


  10. Thanks BB. I must be lucky because ammo prices are pretty low here. SGAmmo’s Hydra Shok is OK but all the other ammo I would use (if I hadn’t lost all my firearms in that tragic boating accident) is higher there even without added shipping. I’m such a klutz around boats.

  11. If the prices where you are are cheaper than his, you are lucky. All the big stores in my area (Academy Sports, Dick’s, Bass Pro Shop and Gander Mountain) and local gun shops only sell the 20 round “civilian” boxes for about $20 to $25 each. Nobody locally even sells the 50 round “LE” boxes at all. Even at Walmart the .40 cal Winchester “white box” JHP ammo is about $22.50 including tax which is why I like his prices on the premium stuff.

    Too bad about the boating mishap. I bet with your luck, the currents have scattered everything so bad they’ll never be located.

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