Our president is correct – IOTW Report

Our president is correct

Trump won largely because of this issue, and now the left is meddling with activist judges.

Big trouble, indeed.

27 Comments on Our president is correct

  1. Trump needs to stop belittling those who call him enemy. It not only allows them to “oops” away their attacks, but it emboldens the mobs they run with. James Robart is not a “so-called judge.” He is a fully entitled, United States District Court judge. Just like every other United States District Court judge. If United States District Court judges don’t want his behavior splashing on them, they need to run him out. If they insist on respecting his behavior, they have collectively earned the results. Unless, of course, the target of their mob attack grants the specific triggerman an “it’s ok, he’s not really one of them” waiver.

  2. This “so-called judge” is a Black Lives Matter black rober. He’s part of a leftist judicial coup against PRESIDENT Trump.


    By the way, Trump has now smoked the leftist judiciary out of its hole. More people will see what a problem this is now.

    If a muslim sneaks in during this unconstitutional order every single lib who supports this bull💩 will be solely responsible.

  3. @Uncle Al February 4, 2017 at 10:46 am

    If other judges see his signature and summarily discard his rulings, without requiring some one else to argue it away before them, then, yes, his actions under color of law, are “so-called law.” If his activity is granted “deference,” “precedent,” “comity,” or any of the other “if it’s on some ‘official’ letterhead, F’it!” enforcement, then it is as legal as every other law. Until overturned, if overturned. Just like every other law. And, if the consequence of it becoming “under color of law” after being “law” is “nothing to see here, move along, peasants,” then “so-called judges” acting “under color of law” are, in fact, “judges” writing “law.”

    Quit being a lickspittle. Change “judges” to “mob.” If some of the “protesters” get their “remedial chemistry certificates” and, finally, create incendiaries that light their opponents’ persons aflame, do they get to be called “so-called rioters”? Because, everybody knows, most of the mob didn’t even have a chance to throw anything. They were so far away, all they could do was cheer. Or tsk. And all provide cover to one of their own.

  4. Its just another delaying tactic, the longer it goes, the harder it will be. The only way this kind of garbage will end is when true widespread civil unrest begins, and the sooner the better. The patriotic americans best chance is very soon while we have our side in the white house.

  5. Ummm…..this “so called judge’s” order overturning President Trump’s EO…..whose EO is merely an extension of an Obama EO…..that was properly vetted and declared “okey dokey” by the DOJ Legal Department (hence the Yates firing)……who is this “so called judge” that seeks to MAKE his own law in contradiction to those higher then him in the governmental hierarchy?

  6. To hell with the illegals. The bigger problem is liberals like that judge, who think their power entitles them to dictate law! Or the liberals who are inciting riots, assignation, and sedition.

    Those who are lawless and those setting themselves above the law, need to be dealt with by the newly AND LEGALLY elected, according to the CONSTITUTION, President Trump. Weed them OUT with due process.

    Hooray that the Secret Service suspended the agent unwilling to do her job! About damn time the skaters are thrown out of the basket and not allowed to taint the US of A.

  7. @Uncle Al February 4, 2017 at 12:31 pm

    > I saw “quit being a lickspittle” before reading the rest of your post, and stopped right there.

    And you imply that I can dissuade you?

  8. @reverendken February 4, 2017 at 11:27 am

    Reverend, I’m sure you’ve explained paving the paths of mere mortals, before. Truth gets some people upset, when describing themselves. “Alternative truth” is never good. And nomenklaturas like to blow things up, and let some lesser power sort it out. If “it” might anger people with drones, it’s best to put “it” somewhere you don’t mind being blown up.

  9. @Annonymous How does the term used for the system in the former Soviet Union whereby influential posts in government and industry were filled by Party appointees work fit into the construct of an ominous, albeit well designed, caution?

    Regarding UncleAl, that his post implies he even cares to be dissuaded, is an narcissistic assumption

  10. @Anonymous FEBRUARY 4, 2017 AT 12:51 PM

    @Uncle Al February 4, 2017 at 12:31 pm:

    I saw “quit being a lickspittle” before reading the rest of your post, and stopped right there.

    And you imply that I can dissuade you?


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