Outrage of the Day: Naked Lady Fruit Platter – IOTW Report

Outrage of the Day: Naked Lady Fruit Platter

A new bar, called the Cruise Bar, in Australia wanted to make a big splash on its opening night. So they hired models to lay around all night with fruit on for cover.

Naked Lady Fruit Platter

Some people were of course OUTRAGED at such treatment of women and voila’ publicity.

It’s not anything new under the sun.


Somewhere we have to draw clearly defined line between acceptably entertaining degeneracy, what’s educational obscenity and what is unacceptable degradation, because I’m having a hard time figuring out what’s allowable behavior anymore.

36 Comments on Outrage of the Day: Naked Lady Fruit Platter

  1. “…I’m having a hard time figuring out what’s allowable behavior anymore.” – BFH
    It’s almost like they are children playing a game with never ending rule changes, oh, wait.

  2. So if the outrage is about treatment of women, how about some fruited men get added to the displays.

    Bottom line is that these women agreed to do the job. And customers can choose to patronize that business or not. Lefties can’t mind their own business and must spew their venom…it’s what they do.

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