IOTW Report – Page 1899

About Those 0bamaPhones…

Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 10:15 MJA 17

Tore Says: When the government gives out something for free, the COMMODITY is YOU. The documentary SHADOWGATE explained WHAT OBAMA PHONES were. They are data collection devices disguised as free phones. The [Read More]

The Coma Before the Storm

Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 9:30 MJA 11

Townhall- Kurt Schlichter- It’s beyond any reasonable dispute that the slack-jawed old pervert staggering through this punchline presidency is getting more senile by the day. All the while, his cackling [Read More]

Troll Level: EXPERT

Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 8:00 MJA 5

VIDEO: Loomer Flies Plane With ‘Big Tech Stole The Election’ Banner Over Event Featuring Dominion, Florida Secretary of State. Go See

Bidens Admit Obedience To Chairman Xi

Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 1:15 MJA 2

Tore Says: As we go through the Hunter Biden Laptop, composed of three laptops, five(5) different Phones, two (2) iPads, and an Apple Home, we find documents, spreadsheets, voicemails, emails, [Read More]

Idiots with Money

Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 0:30 MJA 8

Derek Hunter ( don’t begrudge anyone their success and couldn’t care less how much money someone has. But our culture puts people who have a lot of money on a [Read More]

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