WASHINGTON (AP) — More than 3 trillion trees now grow on Earth, seven times more than scientists previously thought. But it’s also trillions fewer than there used to be, a [Read More]
WASHINGTON (AP) — More than 3 trillion trees now grow on Earth, seven times more than scientists previously thought. But it’s also trillions fewer than there used to be, a [Read More]
via North Avenue Trade School’s facebook page. h/t Leonard
Muslims immigrants in Germany are converting to Christianity in great numbers. Some speculate they are only doing so to enhance their claim for asylum status. One German church has seen its congregation [Read More]
With a long line of debunked lies, shredded excuses, and abandoned spin attempts behind her, Hillary Clinton finally decided it was time to “apologize” for her email scandal.
“I love you my little darling, BUT I’M GOING TO SUE THE BASTARDS THAT DID THIS TO ME!” ^Not the best message to send to your child.^ Maybe she should [Read More]
…we had The Friedman Salute
TheHayride: Many big government, statist politicians in both parties both believe that there is “nowhere to cut.” They raise all sorts of doomsday scenarios if there even a small tiny [Read More]
But can’t be deported This ruling sets a precedent that LGBTQ individuals can illegally cross the border, commit felonies, and cannot be deported.
RightScoop: On NPR yesterday the hushed liberal host interviewed some dork who said that he stopped watching football because it was so sexist, racist and homophobic. And the proof of [Read More]
ChicksOnTheRight – Remember earlier in the week we told you about a police officer who was denied service at an Arby’s in Florida because she was in uniform (and, yes, [Read More]
Big Government: A New Black Panther Party member and another Ferguson protester both received 84 months in prison for “planning and conspiring to ignite explosive devices during the Ferguson protests [Read More]
Something seems off –
What a friggin buffoon ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.