How is the left not embarrassed?
It’s one thing to read a quote, it’s an entirely different one to hear it. Early last year, representative Alvin Holmes, of Alabama, said that he doesn’t care if someone [Read More]
It’s one thing to read a quote, it’s an entirely different one to hear it. Early last year, representative Alvin Holmes, of Alabama, said that he doesn’t care if someone [Read More]
ACLJ— The United Nations has rejected a resolution that could have crippled Israel, imposing on it indefensible borders and forcing hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens from their homes. more
Courtesy of Michelle’s Mirror.
The cop came over and supervised.
Top Hits: I Want To Hold Your Fat Bottomed Girl Another One Bites the Walrus Crazy Little Thing Called Eleanor Rigby and more!!
See how this guy ended up this way HERE ht/ jerry manderin
A West Coast genius has created a relief map, so to speak, of San Francisco based on police blotter reports of public defecation. Jennifer Wong, thinks the map should be used [Read More]
In 1999, doctors were operating on Samuel Armas in the womb to address the congenital disorder, spina bifida, when this iconic image was captured. More
Gateway pundit- On Friday — Police supporters held a rally at the police headquarters in downtown St. Louis. The large crowd made lunch for the police officers and thanked them for [Read More]
A young women is set upon by six others. She is beaten, humiliated and now in fear of futher violence. File this one under “the company you keep” cross referencing [Read More]
“I would like to have a different ending to this other than my death, because I don’t like this situation. I’m just going to say that,” Villarreal said.
Sarah Palin recently posted a few pictures of her son Trig (who has Downs syndrome) interacting with one of the family dogs. Seems harmless enough, until busy bodies of various [Read More]
Blur Brain— Well this tax has been phased in over the years and now it’s finally going to hit consumers directly in the form of a gas tax that will [Read More]
Check out the machine he was reported to be using. ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.