Parliament Terrorist – IOTW Report

Parliament Terrorist

I wonder what he is????

Probably Amish.

ht/ reddecaesari

If you object to having more Muslims imported into your country there is something wrong with you.

You should welcome all Muslims with an open heart because not all Muslims are bad.

Don’t worry that all terrorists worth their salt in 2017 are Muslim, and that there are terror acts every day being perpetrated by Muslims. The left has a point to be made, and they are going to make it whether you like it or not.

Violent backlash coming soon.

35 Comments on Parliament Terrorist

  1. at some point, the pc progressives will say (collectively) you know, the racist, misogynist, hateful, homophobic, islamophobic, anti-immigration, anti-open border, gun-toting, pro-defense, right wing nutcases we’re right

    at that “some point”, we’re screwed, too late

    the left is culpable in our demise and the threat to the lives of our children

    godspeed to trump in making the 180 turn asap

  2. The fellow was driving a 4 wheel drive vehicle. That would be a “high capacity car; with only one purpose -mowing people downs”. What do you want to bet the knife he was using had an efficient, ergonomically correct handle; dare I say a “pistol grip”. If the government just outlawed 4 wheel drive and pistol grip knifes this sort of thing just would not happen.

    I bet the guy was an atheist who was outraged that Richard Dawkins only has 1 Rolls-Royce.

  3. Dear Muslims in America.
    I apologize in advance, but I will watching each and every single one of you I come in contact with.
    You will not earn my trust easily, and that sucks.
    But until I see you guys jumping up and down for the US to eradicate your Religious Hillbilly Cousins overseas, and I see you cleaning out the Mosques here in the US of the I-Hate-America crowd, I am going to actively distrust every single one of you I see.
    Now, I do that with most strangers, but add an extra 30% vigilance for you guys.

  4. From the Daily Mail:

    An intruder, described by witnesses as ‘middle-aged and Asian’, then managed to break into the grounds of the Parliament where he fatally stabbed a police officer with two knives.

    Case closed – Thanks UK

  5. @geeknerd

    correct on your geography.
    but the point is most individuals do not know that fun fact.
    they equate asian with the orient.

    which is the goal of disinformation.

  6. The Muslim mayor of London said attacks like this are just a part of life on the big city.

    I remember when the Muslim president of America said we could absorb attacks like this with no problem. But he’s in Tahiti now. Make of that what you will.

  7. We must stop carrying these attacks as news. England wants these attacks, they bring in Muslims to increase the attacks, they vote for leaders who want more muslims, they bend their law to accommodate Islam’s vile beliefs so why are we so upset, they’re not. Look, empathy/core less Sociopaths need to be outraged at something in order to pretend that they are human, no just base animals. So, feel good about bringing in 20 year old children and then feel sad, in a good way, when the children murder your neighbors…Boring, when there enough Muslims, the slaughter will be worth reading about..

  8. We’re in an abusive relationship with the savages, where they slaughter us by the scores, but do the apologetic navel gazing after each unprovoked attack, wondering what we did to deserve it? Don’t we show nothing but love to our Muslim brothers? Opening up our doors, feeding, housing, clothing and providing medical assistance?

    When are we going to picking up OUR dead and go on offense? They mock us by invading our country, building mega mosques in our neighborhoods, organize their armies within us and make us bow down and recite to their mantra “izlam is a religion of peace”.

    I would say I’m done with that, but I was FUCKING DONE with that 20 damn years ago.
    Thomas Jefferson was done with that over 200 years ago and formed the Marine Corps.
    Can we go on offense again???

    That’s a rant and I’m not going to proofread before posting, for better or for worse

  9. What set me off was the head of Scotland Yard presser. They will submit a report. Meanwhile we grieve.

    Reminds me of the distraction “Boston Strong” after many were killed and wounded by muzzie fuckers. “Boston Stupid ” is more like it. Who did they vote for in 2016? The muzzie sympathetic grunt.

  10. Funny how the fucking politicians causing the koranimal invasion have ARMED guards but the citizens are not even allowed sharpened sporks or even to criticize pisslam. A shame some enabling politicians weren’t slaughtered.

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