Diogene’s Middle Finger – Obamabots in the media are already lamenting the impending end of the Obama Administration. Author Michael Lewis on a recent appearance on the Charlie Rose show thinks Obama got a raw deal. “I think history is going to be very kind to him…the year after he’s out people are going to miss him.”
hemorrhoids …
Gonna’ miss him like the Black Plague.
Hey wait! I made a funny!
an open, festering cold sore
Ebole (Hey, that’s how he says it.)
Will miss king obola like I miss explosive diarrhea!
a lecture on morality from Bill Clinton.
having a pine cone shoved up my ass.
a “The View” marathon.
Miss him like Jimmy Carter!
crazed, rabid weasels attacking your privates.
…a lecture on manners from Galoomphy.
Like I’m gonna miss Michael the Mooch.
a toothache.
Like Mary Jo Kopechne misses those evening drives in Ted Kennedy’s Oldsmobile.
a migraine.
The only way that girl is going to get the title “Miss Obama”, is if she wins the beauty contest that will no doubt be organized by her worshippers to honor her. It’ll be close, because look what they have to choose from, but girls who attract flies, rats and other vermin rarely win beauty contests.
a toilet stopped up by your 400 lb. neighbor after he ate chine bone and kale.
Like missing a root canal.
Labor pains for 35 hours.
A 170 lb dog with diahrea.
…a ‘hug’ from Krispy Kream.
**gasp! I can’t breathe!**
Wait a minute. Does Barry think he’s going anywhere by 2017? The American people may have to evict him kicking and screaming from the White House and pry that pen and phone from his hands. He’s going to hang on to the presidency as long as he can, by any means necessary.
Gunna miss him like I miss him in Chicago. Stay the hell away, please.
Like having a barium enema and a root canal simultaneously.
Like my father missed JFK, and my grandfather missed Woodrow Wilson.
…like that mouse that died in between the walls two weeks ago (actually not in this house, but they use to do that in my childhood home and it would be quite unpleasant for a week or so).
Miss him like a snot rocket blasted on the sidewalk, followed up with hucking a loogie.
… a U.S. school kid would miss Mooch’s school lunch program.
Like a parade of pavement apes screaming “hands up don’t shoot!”
I’ll miss him like i miss fish tacos.
Like Armageddon. Yes, I know he’s working on it.
I’ll miss the bitch like I miss stubbing my toe on the damn coffee table.
I will miss him like I will miss a case of herpes…
I will miss him like I will miss a bought of ebola virus…
I will miss him like I will miss a being married to the Mooch…
Now that’s saying something.
I’ll miss him as much as I’d miss the dems being in control of my life.
Will I miss him? Who knows? But the sooner He’s gone , the sooner I’ll know. I really really want to know.
May the Obama urinal target live on FOREVER!!!
I’d laugh my pelvis off if the boy figured how to be “President For Life.”
Think about it, Franklin.
You were. So were other Presidents.
“…the year after he’s out people are going to miss him”, he fellated.
How can I miss him if he won’t go away.
I’ll miss him like a terminal, wasting illness. Come to think of it, that sounds like cancer.
Obama just went back to his basics to raise funds for his Democrat buddies. https://twitter.com/alxandro/status/529040978209177600
Like seeing Bret Farve in a Viking jersey.
Like one would miss the thrill of flying ….
towards the bulkhead in a terrible train wreck.
@Charlie Walks: I really do miss the best fish and shrimp tacos in the world served by Kenyas Tacos right on the main road (MEX Hiway 1) in Santa Rosalia, Baja California Sur, Mexico. Yea baby!
I’ll miss The Won like I miss watching images of the twin towers collapse.
“…the year after he’s out people are going to miss him…”
Many people are missing him now. Somebody is bound to get lucky and hit him.
the cat pissing in the towels.
Obama makes me miss Bush.
I hope everything he has done can be undone. Like obamacare. Let’s go back to the way it was.
an oozing pustule on the anus, that hurts like Hell and smells worse than Rosie O’Donnell’s septic tank.
War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.
Ten ragheads coming through the door and you only have nine bullets.
riots in Ferguson.
you sign up for Advanced English and Al Sharpton is the Professor.
Michael Lewis is listed as a writer of non-fiction books. Perhaps he is trying to break in to writing fantasy books. If this is the level of his thinking skills I will skip reading any of his books. I predict I won’t miss anything by not reading them.
All of the obama voters are going to miss him like flies miss a stinking turd.
The Charlie Rose show… More like the Victor-Charlie Rose Show.
Remember this: Boehner had it in his control to de-fund PBS, and thus the Rose commie hour. Who is worse, the Roses, or Boehner, who had the power to stop them?
Pretty much everything above except for I kind of like fish tacos, these days I never go south of the border for anything. I had some fish jurkey down there, it reminded me of a fishnet, and we almost got robbed but the loser fell out of my boat when I hit a bump towing it in Rosarita.
fish tacos. Whatever mexican created them has a special place reserved next to eleanor in hell.
Who are we talking about?
…elocution lessons from Al Sharpton.