President Trump: DACA Deal “Probably Dead” – Democrats Link Amnesty To Budget – IOTW Report

President Trump: DACA Deal “Probably Dead” – Democrats Link Amnesty To Budget

CTH: Congressional Democrats have staked out a position of shutting down the government if they do not get a DACA amnesty deal.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was the Obama “executive action” that deferred deportation of illegal aliens placing them in a suspended status awaiting immigration legislation. DACA applied to ‘childhood arrivals‘.

Conservative Treehouse

DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans) applied to their parents and families. DAPA was determined by Federal Courts, including SCOTUS, to be unconstitutional.

A court challenge on DACA would likely find the same legal outcome as DAPA. Unable to defend DACA in court, President Trump gave congress six months to negotiate legislation to address the underlying issue prior to enforcement of existing law (deportation). The Democrat “fix” is to grant immigration amnesty to the DACA recipients. more


13 Comments on President Trump: DACA Deal “Probably Dead” – Democrats Link Amnesty To Budget

  1. Notice how ALL of the responsibility is on the United States, and more specifically, Republicans.

    What requirements do the illegals have? Learn English? Stay off social services? Probation?

    Nothing. Just become citizens and that’s it.

  2. “Didn’t the 0bama administration go without a budget for 5 years or so?”

    Yes, we also had sequestration for the same period which killed a ton of manufacturers and is one of the contributing factors as to why our military is so short on spare parts.

  3. “I guess that means the media will blame Dems for the shutdown now, huh?”
    The winter Olympics start in South Korea in 40 days. A shut down can’t happen. The Dems are not beyond pulling the pin on the hand grenade.

  4. Hell yeah. All PRESIDENT Trump has to say is, “I gave these assholes SIX MONTHS to figure out a fair deal for you folks but instead they sat on their asses with their thumbs up their shitholes and now they’re sending you back to your shitholes.”

    The demoncraps thought they could pull their old trick by attaching their prized legislation to a budget bill and Republicans would cower in fear and be blamed for shutting down the government, not funding our troops, blah blah. But there’s a new sheriff in town you leftist bastards! 🖕🙂🖕

  5. Cancel welfare checks first.

    Show Dems caring more about illegals than the blacks that voted 98% for them. Anything their people depend on, cur it off like Obama did to open air memorials 12 hours after he didn’t get his way.

  6. So, if the Progs don’t get their way, they’re going to throw a tantrum, like a little baby and shut the government down. They won’t try to reason. The choice is binary (the Prog way or the hi-way).

    Let ’em shut ‘er down. Last time that happened the R’s won a bunch of seats in congress. But only Ted Cruz remembers that. The rest of the R’s are quivering in their boots at the thought of a shutdown.

    Stick to your guns Mr. Trump. Last count we’re still the majority.

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