“Professor” Says There is No Such Thing As Biological Sex – IOTW Report

“Professor” Says There is No Such Thing As Biological Sex

The SJWs have made the leap, in record time, from saying that there is no such thing as gender to saying there is no such thing as biological sex.

If this is true, what are transgenders transitioning to? And why are people getting “sex changes”?

This idiotic claim came during a debate about the use of pronouns and how it relates to hate speech.

The full discussion HERE is interesting.


27 Comments on “Professor” Says There is No Such Thing As Biological Sex

  1. Is there a contest amongst college ‘professors’ to see who can come up with the most bizarre, useless, absolutely idiotic subject and find a way to make a thorough a$$ of themself to the public? If so, its getting very difficult to crown a winner amongst the asylum escapees.

  2. This nonsense is settled when a person goes to the doctor. A physician must proceed within a defined, fixed set of parameters. It matters not what the good “professor” teaches and thinks. A biological male has yet to have a pap smear or go through menopause; females do not get prostate cancer, etc., etc., etc.

    End of discussion.

  3. Not quite sure what a “gender studies” professor actually studies. Whether or not it’s easier for a man or a woman to piss on a tree? How to unhook a bra with one hand? Whether or not guys are really thinking about nothing when they say they are thinking about nothing? Sure, these are burning questions, but is this type of course really worth wasting time on unless your a guy looking to score in a class full of women?

  4. I listened to the discussion in its entirety. I won’t even offer an opinion on the prof who denies biological sex exists other than to say it’s frightening he’s allowed to penetrate malleable minds with his fantastical lies of people being brutally attacked for being Trans.

    But I found Mary (quite unintentionally I’m sure) encapsulates the entire agenda of this farce, when she states that she transitioned late in life from female to male and was never “attached” to the female pronoun. Thus, she’s not entirely “there yet” in accepting the male pronoun at this stage in her life and prefers to be called “they”.

    And that’s it in a nutshell. No matter what these people profess, should society meet their demands and address them by 32 different made up terms, THEY reserve the right to change the rules at their whim and we’d better adjust to their “fluidity” or the Human Rights Council will be knocking at our door.

    God bless Jordan. Brave soul.

  5. And I forgot to add that given his cupcake demeanor he sucked on Mommy’s breasts well into his late teens, was hated and physically abused by his fathwr, and was raped by a pack of wild boars. Which news reports say he really enjoyed.

  6. @ Racer X – Don’t expect this douche-nozzle to make sense or understand fundamental logic.
    I sure he views the world thru his “vagina” and probably thinks it is fully operational as a result. He’s the kind who will adopt because for some strange, unexplained reason the fertility drugs just won’t work…

  7. For the asswipes who infest our higher education institutions, it is all about publish or perish. They must continually think up ever new and what are often insane ideas in order to get published. The content doesn’t matter in the least nor does the veracity of the content just as long as it hits the journals!

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