Remembering President John Glenn – IOTW Report

Remembering President John Glenn

Human Events: Why Joe Biden’s Polling Lead Is Out of this World, And Out of Touch With Reality

A Morning Consult/Politico poll shows former Vice-President Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump by 42% to 34%. But that is a poll of registered voters, which always skews Democrat, often by double digits.

More realistic in reflecting actual results are polls of likely voters. 

But 18 months before Election Day, there are no polls of likely voters. Pollsters don’t know which voters are likely to vote this far out. Which makes the poll less than meaningless.

In May 1983, a Gallup poll showed then Sen. John Glenn beating President Reagan for reelection in 1984 by much more, 54% to 37%, a 17-point margin.

8 Comments on Remembering President John Glenn

  1. It’s all such bullshit. Trump is VERY popular, and the left’s propaganda machine has been exposed to most Americans.

    Want to be happy? – Avoid exposure to the left’s media. Leave the misery to useful idiots.

  2. These polls are put out to serve one purpose and that is to plant the suggestion that their preferred candidate is wildly popular with the voters and voting otherwise is futile and wasteful. They are no more than slimy attempts at manipulation.
    Unfortunately these tactics continue to have the desired effect on some of the voters, mostly those who are emotionally invested and the polls provide them with reinforcement.


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