Remembering When Jesse Jackson Wanted To “Cut His Nuts Off” After President Obama Fathers Day Speech – IOTW Report

Remembering When Jesse Jackson Wanted To “Cut His Nuts Off” After President Obama Fathers Day Speech

Jack Cashill American Thinker

On Father’s Day 2008, candidate Barack Obama made his most honest speech on race, maybe his only halfway honest speech on race. The media barely noticed.

The site was the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago. From the pulpit Obama spoke to the gathered voters — excuse me, congregants — with uncharacteristic audacity. He reminded his audience that too many black fathers were missing from “too many homes.” He knew something of the phenomenon himself given that his father “left us when I was two years old.” Yes, that con again.

Putting aside for a moment his personal story, however fictitious, Obama made the traditionally conservative argument that fatherless children were five times more likely to grow up poor, nine times more likely to drop out of school, and twenty times more likely to get into serious trouble than children who grow up with both parents. More

Watch Jesse Jackson’s hot mic moment starts at the :47 mark. Here

7 Comments on Remembering When Jesse Jackson Wanted To “Cut His Nuts Off” After President Obama Fathers Day Speech

  1. Barry wrote a story/poem about his best father’s day memory…..It had something to do with leaving a brown stain in his tighty whitey’s by a guy named Frank. Who went by Frank Marshall Davis….


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