Requiring Voter ID is OUTRAGEOUS!! – IOTW Report

Requiring Voter ID is OUTRAGEOUS!!

26 Comments on Requiring Voter ID is OUTRAGEOUS!!

  1. Yeah! Just like getting on a commercial aircraft, purchasing alcohol or tobacco, etc… just unfair dammit! What a dumbass..

  2. It’s a waste of time listing out all the reasons people need an ID card. Everyone KNOWS there is only ONE reason to oppose voter ID. Cheating. Let’s just begin and END the discussion on voter ID right there. If a pol opposes voter ID, it’s because they want an unfair advantage and to be elected by fraud. Period.

  3. What is illogical and unfair is that in order to purchase a single shot rifle receiver I had to pay an FFL $40, twice what I paid for the receiver itself, and then wait until they got done sitting around with their left thumb up their asses while picking boogers and eating them with their right pinkie finger, then make a return round trip to pick it up after waiting on that jackoffery and have had to show ID every fucking time.

    This bastard can suck my ass.

  4. You know what’s illogical and unfair?

    and I quote, “Every return ballot envelope is signed by the voter, and each signature is validated based on official signatures already on file. If the signature doesnโ€™t match, the voter is contacted immediately and given multiple paths to resolve the discrepancy.”

    And the rejection rate on such ballots is around 2%.

    YET, when it comes to recalling tyrant public servants, it’s usually a 40%+ signature rejection rate, with zero opportunity to resolve the discrepancy.

    THAT is illogical and unfair.

  5. Fetterman also looks like the tall alien who was on the classic episode of the Twilight Zone To Serve Man. I agree with Rat Fink and Saxindacity this odd-looking goober definitely looks like he should be sacrificing children to the false god Moloch. Maybe he’s the reincarnated Mummy played by the Rock in that 2nd Mummy movie with Brendan Frazer. He would fit in perfectly well with all the misfits in the democrap party. All he needs is a black robe and a scepter. Pennsylvania has a Hobbesian choice between Dr. Odd and this goombah (ugh), they may be better off with the TV doc Dr. Odd. God help them and the US, it’s a choice I would rather go with the lesser of 2 evils. Where do these creepy celebrity and rich politicians come from? Bizarro World anyone!

  6. @ CJ AUGUST 21, 2022 AT 8:47 PM

    Thereโ€™s guys like me and Brad who when the market does not supply what our real or perceived needs areโ€ฆ we take the old adage โ€œif you want it done right, do it yourselfโ€ to heart and put it into practice by heading into the shop after letting women, childer, cripples anโ€™ prohybitionists that it is in their interest to stay the hell out iv the way.

  7. Dems portray Reps as a threat to democracy, when they don’t even want secure voting, and want to let non-citizens vote, while censoring contrary opinions and damaging news. They want to protect American jobs while they open the borders to tens of millions that take American jobs. They want to reduce inflation while they cause most of it. Etc, etc.

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