Rudolph Deemed “problematic” By Liberal Columnist – IOTW Report

Rudolph Deemed “problematic” By Liberal Columnist

In their never ending quest to ruin all traditions by projecting their own neurosis onto holiday classics, a dim wit at Huffpo has deconstructed a Christmas TV staple, “Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer,” and found it racist, homophobic, abusive and bigoted. More

29 Comments on Rudolph Deemed “problematic” By Liberal Columnist

  1. “…and found it racist, homophobic, abusive and bigoted.”

    …and we care what they think WHY? Seems like the phrase “who died and made YOU king?” was made just for morons like THIS…

  2. So, Rudolph is racist, homophobic, abusive and bigoted. What year did Bill Clinton rape a reindeer? Or when Hillary strapped up the sleigh? Wondering empty minds want to know!

  3. …a racist, a homophobe, an abuser, and a bigot walk into a bar. The bartender says “none for YOU, Mr. Ellison, Muslims aren’t supposed to drink, and I don’t need no trouble…

  4. “All they had to do was show Yukon Cornelius doing something unsavory with the Abominable Snowman and all the other sins would have been forgiven.”
    A Guinness world record reach around, not unlike Nancy Pelosi being the speaker of the house again

  5. …just throw in a scene where we see an orange man man conspiring with a Russian elf in the back of the workshop. Liberals will then deem it high art, and Mueller will subpoena Rankin/Bass hoping to get something he can use at last…

  6. This is worse than the McCarthy era, when anything and anyone could be labeled “Communist”, and people were afraid to express a dissenting opinion for fear of being called a Pinko Commie sympathizer. This whole farce will only end (as it did then) when everybody cries “Enough!” and refuses to go along with the BS.

    Shame on anyone who apologizes to the Left, too. It only validates and intensifies their efforts.


  7. I guessing if Rudolph killed his father, machine-gunned Santa’s Workshop & all the elves (to free them from their sweat-shop plight), loped off his male appendage & declared himself a non-binary vagina, married his mother & Clarise, claimed to be a descendant of the Inuit Tribe (due to his red nose, bought on by excessive alcohol given by the White Man for Narwhale ivory & Polar Bear pelts; or maybe it was the high cheekbones), or declared that Judge Kavanaugh raped him when he delivered toys to Georgetown Prep in the ’80’s & voiced his/her hatred of Fox News & #OrangeMan … it’d be ok

    @V_Vet ~ amen, brother

  8. “Next whine: Anything at all ordinary people call a Fairy Tale.”

    …given how confused they are around bathrooms and such, @Uncle Al, they probably WOULD be very disappointed watching a video billed as a “Fairy Tale”, because they’d be expecting to see something COMPLETELY different than what they’d GET…

  9. “The fudge are these people complaining about? The lil’ homo dentist saves the day.”

    …It’s just that it’s not TEETH they want to see him pulling, @Aaron Burr…

  10. …like THIS, @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ?


    …then one drunken New Year’s Eve,

    Satan came to say,

    “Rudolph with your gun so bright,

    Won’t you slay Christmas tonight?”



    Anyway…. we can still say “Feliz Navidad”. White libs can’t speak a lick of Spanish so that phrase still flies under the radar.

  12. “I guessing if Rudolph killed his father, machine-gunned Santa’s Workshop & all the elves (to free them from their sweat-shop plight), loped off his male appendage & declared himself a non-binary vagina, married his mother & Clarise, claimed to be a descendant of the Inuit Tribe (due to his red nose, bought on by excessive alcohol given by the White Man for Narwhale ivory & Polar Bear pelts; or maybe it was the high cheekbones), or declared that Judge Kavanaugh raped him when he delivered toys to Georgetown Prep in the ’80’s & voiced his/her hatred of Fox News & #OrangeMan … it’d be ok.”
    Wow, the only thing you missed there was Bambi’s mother was a whore and deserved it.
    Top shelf analysis!
    Made even me blush, no stuff,,,

  13. “Anyway…. we can still say “Feliz Navidad”. ”

    …actually. @Aaron Burr, even with one of their PREFERRED phrases, “Holidays” they’re too dense to realize that it’s merely a contracton of “Holy Days” and so STILL gives God the Glory…

  14. Feliz navidad means Happy Nativity. So I can express my joy at the birth of Jesus right under their noses.

    It’s a double edged sword though.

    Having a bit of difficulty changing the name of my town from “Chink” Valley to something slightly less blatantly racist.

    I dunno’… “Zipperhead Estates” has a nice ring to it….

  15. If this is for real 😳 they won’t be happy till they toss Rudolph on the ash heap of animation history like was done with Little Drummer Boy and Nestor the Long Earred Christmas Donkey-for being too religious.

    It’s absolutely maddening.

  16. My bad, never took Spanish. Always loved Feliz Navidad and respected José Feliciano as a true artist. Over the decades though have now heard a more relatable version in my so confined taxpayer head.

    Serving it up here for you IOTW

    Police they don’t knock,,, Police they don’t knock,
    they bust right in and F’ up all your stuff.
    Police they don’t knock, Police they don’t knock,
    Police they don’t knock, Police they don’t knock,

    Just like your unwelcome entry, their not givin’ you a F’.
    Just like your unwelcome entry, their not givin’ you a F’.
    Just like your unwelcome entry, their not givin’ you a F’.

    Police they don’t knock,,, Police they don’t knock,
    Police they don’t knock,,, Police they don’t knock,
    Police they don’t knock,,, Police they don’t knock,

    I want to wish you an happy deportation!
    I want to wish you an happy deportation!
    I want to wish you an happy deportation!
    from the bottom of my Wallet!

    I want to wish you an hapy deportation!
    I want to wish you an hapy deportation!
    I want to wish you an hapy deportation!
    from the bottom of my Wallet!

  17. @Private Pyle – THAT WAS HYSTERICAL! That is, IF you grow up with both.

    @Illustrator – correct, they are not done, this is a continuing battle.

    “Baby It’s Cold Outside” is next on the chopping block.

    I listened to is MUCH more closely last year…when the hysterics were breaking out.

    Watch it happen.

    The Left has been ragging on Rudolph and everything associated with Christmas for many years now.

  18. The Marxist professors tell them that everything is political…they must maintain a grim view of the world, that, to them, is completely effed up.

    Show them an innocent picture of a little boy playing with his puppy and they’ll find something to wet their pants over: Sexist…doesn’t include a girl,…speceisist…shows humans dominating animals, …animal cruelty….the male human decides when to throw the ball, not the dog…racist…the human male is white…homophobic….doesn’t show the boy playing with another boy…

  19. @ghost of col j glover: The feminist SJWs were already complaining about “Baby It’s Cold Outside” a couple of Christmases ago, saying that the lyrics were “too rapey” for their tastes.

    Like anyone would even want to rape them.


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