Seattle Brewer Puts “All Cops Are Bastards” On His Beer Cans – IOTW Report

Seattle Brewer Puts “All Cops Are Bastards” On His Beer Cans

SEATTLE — Chuck’s Hop Shop in Seattle’s Central District bills itself as the “land of a thousand beers.”

Manager Dylan Ziegler often points customers to the IPA’s from Mirage.

“Mirage is my favorite brewery in Seattle, hands down,” he said.Content Continues Below

The small-batch brewer stamps a message on the bottom of the cans.

In June, a beer called “Choosey Lover” had a stamp that reads “ACAB means all cops.”

ACAB stands for “all cops are bastards.”

“It was a thing. People talked about it,” Ziegler said.

In a text message, Mirage owner and brewer Michael Dempster wrote, “I used the markings because I stand against institutional racism, of which modern policing is a militarized arm.”

Portland-based sociologist Randy Blazack said ACAB has become a polarizing signifier of the movement.

“It’s not about individual police officers; it’s about a system. But I think to the casual observer, it seems like an attack on individual police officers — all cops,” Blazack said.

Mirage’s marking triggered blowback on social media, with some customers saying they’ll no longer buy the beer.

But at Chuck’s Hop Shop, it’s a different story.

“I don’t think it hurt his sales at all,” Ziegler said. “I believe that his message is right, and I’m proud of him for taking a stand, honestly.”

Dempster wrote, “if it means someone won’t buy my beer anymore, good. The beer was not created for them. I make my beer for folks who are actively anti-racist, anti-Trump, anti-fascist and pro-equality.”

While Dempster’s message is more pointed, other breweries are joining the Black Lives Matter movement.

Around the country, several are brewing their own versions of a beer that shares a single label that reads “Black is Beautiful.”

ht/ illustr8r

29 Comments on Seattle Brewer Puts “All Cops Are Bastards” On His Beer Cans

  1. A friend just texted to remind me that I got us 86’d from one of these Seattle microbreweries when I described the aroma of their craft beer as reminiscent of the old wood locker rooms in the hockey barns of my youth. Essences of jock straps, stale sweaty leather Bauer skates mixed with that of sweaters and hose that only get washed once a month.

    It never did much for me… except for the aphrodisiac effect it had on puck bunnies. It was like they got into some of that Funky Cold Medina as soon as they got a whiff.

  2. A friend of mine who lives in Seattle has been making beer for 30+ years. I recently sampled his latest IPA and stout… better than any ‘microbrew’ I’ve ever tasted. I told him he needs to get out of town before it ruins his stuff. 🙂

  3. Thanks for the Link to email them. I did just that. It’s harder and harder for me to look at the news online every day. I know we can’t give up, we have to stay in formed, but I am truly depressed most of the time. I’ve never spent much time in Seattle, I stick close to the coast, and there’s a good reason for that.

  4. face it, over-hopped beer (IPA, I’m talking to you) is just an excuse for lazy produced, overcharged ‘craft beer’ that hipster doofuses buy, thinking they’re somehow ‘edgy’

    they’re just pretentious assholes … just like the dickheads that produce this watered-down swill

  5. As an aside, north of 75% of the hops produced world wide come out of Yakima. Driving from Matawa to Yakima there are hop fields as far as one can see. And most of the beer barley comes out of Idaho, Montana and NoDak. Beer barley is two row barley as opposed to six row I think.

  6. The key phrase was “it didn’t hurt sales at all” Face it, there are places in America that have values(like ACAB) that are a 180 from ours. I wouldn’t live there no matter how beautiful(I left CO) the climate or scenery is. The people living there elected communists for their City Council and a far left mayor who ran on a host of policies that most of us spit on.

    I don’t see how this continues to “function”. WA, like so many states is mostly conservative but is controlled from a few heavily populated areas.

    In the meantime, Seattle will continue it’s downward slide as businesses burned out or forced to close have stopped paying taxes. Putting bullets through the front windows doesn’t solve a fucking thing and certainly won’t change any minds. If they want to live like that, let them.

  7. NOTE” The Anti-Defamation League currently classifies “ACAB” as a hate acronym, due to its “long standing in the skinhead subculture.”

    NOTE: So SKINHEADS are as part of the ANTI-FA, M-BLM, and the Liberal Socialists Democrat Counter culture….

  8. Damn. I quit beer about 40 years ago (discovered whiskey) so I can’t even stop buying it.

    Fight “racism” with a racist outfit like BLM.
    Fight “fascism” with the openly fascist and Stalinist ANTIFA.
    “Anti-Trump?” Why? Exactly – no bullshit and unfounded mendacities – just the facts.
    You “created” beer? Fuck you – you nihilistic speck of fly shit.
    You may have crafted some swill out of God’s gifts – but you created nothing.

    izlamo delenda est …


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