SECURITY AGENT: Hillary took lamps, furniture from State Department – IOTW Report

SECURITY AGENT: Hillary took lamps, furniture from State Department

AM: Hillary Clinton apparently got the five-finger discount on furniture and lamps when she was Secretary of State, courtesy of taxpayers.

According to a statement given to the FBI by a former member of Clinton’s Diplomatic Security, Hillary “and her staff” were seen taking furniture out of the State Department and relocating it to her Washington, D.C. home.

From pages 44 and 45 of Part 4 of the FBI’s release today:

“Early in Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, she and her staff were observed removing lamps and furniture from the State Department which were transported to her residence in Washington, D.C.,” the agent, who was with the Department of Homeland Security when his/her interview was conducted on September 2, 2015.

“[REDACTED] does not know whether these items were ever returned to the government upon Clinton’s departure from the State Department.”  MORE

18 Comments on SECURITY AGENT: Hillary took lamps, furniture from State Department

  1. I’m sure Comey and the FBI determined Hillary was just careless, you know like Benghazi, E-mail destruction, server destruction, phone destructions, obstruction of Justice, Lying, Bill’s bimbo eruptions, whitewater, Right wing conspiracy, pay to play politics, jobs for cash donations, Haiti, Columbia, Clinton foundation money laundering and a host of other lawless actions.

    FBI must be too wrapped up in their porn sting to mess with Hillary’s treason.

  2. There is no limit to what this Complete Bitch will lie about or steal. Considering her lack of shame and character, she no doubt got good at impugning the character of others out of jealousy and is most likely the one behind all the dead bodies in the famous Clinton wake! I’d put good money on a bet that she was an obnoxious, reprehensible little shit as a kid!

  3. No worries, no worries. Trump will make good on his threat to call for a Special Prosecutor and I’m sure he will leave no stoned unturned. Who needs Netflix when we can watch C-SPAN for the next two years. 😉

  4. Can Kleptomania be cured? Doesn’t look like it.

    She’d steal the world if given the opportunity. Come to think of it – that’s probably her intent.

    Maybe someone told her about IOwnTheWorld and it gave her ideas?

  5. If this thieving spawn of Satan manages to steal this election my American flag will be lowered and stored and I will stitch a white flag with a banana to hoist in its stead.

  6. Jesus H. Christ, what she and Bill stole from the WH is a piss in the bucket compared to what they have stolen from the American people in the terms of liberty, trust, respect and the basic dignity of the U.S Constitution.

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