Someone’s Doing The DOJ and FBI Interrogations and It’s Not Congress – IOTW Report

Someone’s Doing The DOJ and FBI Interrogations and It’s Not Congress

CTH: On a Monday night (February 12th, 2018) episode of Tucker Carlson a democrat member of the House Intelligence committee said something interesting that almost everyone missed.  Appearing on the show to joust with Tucker, HPSCI member Eric Swalwell stated: “the House Intel Committee has not interviewed a single witness in over a month”.  [Video Here, quote @03:47]  This statement is rather enlightening.

A month earlier, January 4th, 2018, an agreement was finally made between House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes and DOJ Asst. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein for complete disclosure of all unreadacted documents AND a list of witnesses who Nunes wanted the HPSCI to question.

Included in those names was:  FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who exchanged anti-Trump text messages during an affair and previously worked on the special counsel’s Russia probe; FBI general counsel James Baker, who was reassigned; FBI head of counterintelligence Bill Priestap, whom ex-FBI boss James Comey testified made the decision not to brief Congress about the Russia case during last year’s election; and Bruce Ohr, a DOJ official reassigned after concealing meetings with figures involved in the dossier.

The January 4th agreement between Devin Nunes and Rod Rosenstein was made after a great deal of back-and-forth.  Chairman Nunes then documented the agreement in a letter.  MORE HERE

23 Comments on Someone’s Doing The DOJ and FBI Interrogations and It’s Not Congress

  1. Not much point finishing out the prep on a recipe when you know the oven has no gas. And won’t.

    But that doesn’t seem to have sunk in very widely.

    I think that’s called ‘Normalcy Bias’, or ‘Cognitive Dissonance’.

    Some part of you knows what should happen. The part of you that knows what will happen you are holding a pillow on its face.

    Uncomfortable, when you actually examine it, isn’t it?

  2. I know there is a plan that requires diligence and patience for it to play out, but damn I am really close to being fresh out of both. I remember reading this OIG report was expected around 1-15-18. According to my calendar that is about a month ago. OK, I’ll pour a glass of wine and practice some patience.

  3. What if more evidence comes out in a few months showing the Dems are busted, caught red-handed – and nothing happens? Isn’t that what we are all impatiently thinking? That the Dems blatant corruption will be permitted by the spineless Repubs. That bribes for US Uranium, spying on political opponents, fake dossiers about people you don’t like, etc. etc. – are now permitted and fully approved by the liberal culture…in fact they feel it’s a good thing. The liberals are almost at this point – and the spineless Repubs would thank you if you punched them in the nose.

  4. DrRiff

    38 in GITMO. There’s no proof of that. However at the same time that was leaked there were a shit load of National Guard MP’s from AZ activated and flown to GITMO. That’s verifiable.

  5. Thanks BB!

    So are you saying that there are actual arrests of people involved in the Obama admin criminal activity and they are in Gitmo?

    That seems really hard to believe (please forgive me, I am a skeptic).

  6. DrRiff

    Well shit, I can’t blame you for that. I can’t guarantee Q’s the real deal. Personally I’m convinced he is. If I’m wrong I’m moving up into a cave I know about in the Sierra’s and line the entrance with Claymores.

  7. DrRiff/All — First, there has to be a Grand Jury to determine presence of adequate prosecutorable evidence. Then, as we all know, any referrals to a regular court of law has to happen. How long do you think it’ll take to empanel a regular jury? Before the statue of limitations runs out?

    News you can use: EVERY SINGLE RUSSIAN SPY identified by the Congress in 1944/45/46 WALKED because of Grand Jury tampering. Excellent account of how communist infiltration of the U.S. gov’t parallels so many of the crimes committed under president Kennedy, Johnson, Eisenhower, and were laid at the feet of Nixon. Startling degree of similarity between then and now.

    (Disclaimer for grammar/punctuation errors: I an under heavy sedation and pain killers. LOL!!)

  8. Algar Hiss, who was the foreign policy brains behind Roosevelt at the Yalta conference — the main venue of agreement between the West and communism — never served a single day for treason. He eventually served 3.5 years for two perjury convictions (out of an allowable 10 year punishment). Hiss facilitated everything the Russians desired, including the defeat of Chou en Lai and turning China into a communist state. They would have given them Japan, too, if it hadn’t been too obvious!

  9. AA

    And the entire thing about Q is Trump was alerted by Mike Rogers of the crap going down, determined if we went through normal judicial channels the Republic would not survive. What are the options? Military tribunals. Trumps surrounded himself with military patriots. There’s a reason. That’s why you don’t hear shit from sessions and why you don’t hear Trump complaining about it.

  10. Imagine the chaos in this country if the guilty were tried in public? If the country really knew what those bastards obomba and jarrett did? Imagine the other sleeper cells they have in the DOJ FBI ETC? Trump has to take them out one by one like a sniper or they will win.

    I like BB/Q option best. Military Courts are in the Executive branch.

  11. Go over and read the Treehouse. Sessions is in the thick of it.
    The game is afoot and the hammer is about to come down.
    Joe what came out in Jan. was a outline of the full report coming in March, it will be worth the wait. there are now 5 people talking to the IG, go to the Treehouse and read today’s post and then go back in time to get a clear time line of what is going on. Not cryptic like Q a clear case that you can understand.

  12. And like Sundance said, we hear nothing about any of this from the fully corrupted Senate Intelligence Committee because they’ve been completely cut out of the leak loop by those in the know. All we get from the Senate Intelligence Committee is continuing obsession with Russia rigging our elections, complete with a demand for loyalty to their narrative…

    “The intelligence bosses were asked to restate their support for the 2017 report that concluded Russia had waged a campaign of what spies call “active measures” against the 2016 election. All of them did…President Trump goes back and forth about whether he accepts there was such an attack or whether it was a “hoax” waged by sore-loser Democrats.”

  13. This is going to be a long hot summer for the Democrats. It’s going to harken back to the Watergate hearings, only this time one party will do all it can to protect its own and voters will remember in November who tried to sweep it under the rug.

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