Soros’ Foundation Slashing Staff, Closing Offices – IOTW Report

Soros’ Foundation Slashing Staff, Closing Offices

Western Journal

George Soros’ Open Society Foundation is going through its second restructuring in three years, with the result that staff worldwide will be cut by nearly half.

Emails obtained by Bloomberg said that the organization’s board of directors had decided over the summer to cut employees and close offices. More

13 Comments on Soros’ Foundation Slashing Staff, Closing Offices

  1. It’s because they’re done.

    Western world kids confused, mutilated, feminized, and sterilized.

    Formerly Christian nations completely infiltrated and impoverished.

    All the ammunition wasted on a war between White people that never had a chance of success.

    WWIII in just a few days.

    Antichrist ready to roll out.

    The devil is not noted for his loyalty to his minions.

    They aren’t needed any more, why keep them?

  2. Human Garbage SOROS & his & the policies he helped implement are going to result in another HOLOCAUST.

    He should be HUNG right in the center of Israel & left to rot!


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