Sotomayor Quacks as SCOTUS Tosses Federal Bump Stock Ban – IOTW Report

Sotomayor Quacks as SCOTUS Tosses Federal Bump Stock Ban

NBC News

The ruling prompted a vigorous dissent from liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

“When I see a bird that walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck,” she wrote in reference to bump stocks enabling semiautomatic rifles to operate like machine guns. Sotomayor also took the rare step of reading a summary of her dissent in court.

Even with the federal ban out of the picture, bump stocks will still not be readily available nationwide. Eighteen states have already banned them, according to Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit gun-control group. Congress could also act.

Nevertheless, gun control advocates decried the ruling. More

37 Comments on Sotomayor Quacks as SCOTUS Tosses Federal Bump Stock Ban

  1. It’s sort of like a trans. They think they are female but by human mechanics your still a man. A bump stock thinks it’s a machine gun but the mechanics says it’s semi automatic.

  2. (I haven’t read but a few lines of her dissent because I was too busy trimming my nose hair. Let me know if I got anything wrong.)

    Look, fatso, you missed the whole point. In fact you missed ALL the points. The matter is actually so simply you SHOULD have got it right. Congress, in its infinite [pick one: (wisdom), (idiocy)], went full anal-retentive in their definition of “machine gun”. The boys in F Troop decided to ignore the legislated definition and write their own without benefit of amended legislation. The APA law says, “No! No! Bad bureaucrat!” to that kind of smug overreach. A fine American, Michael Cargill, sued the govt and pointed out the illegality, and won because he was dead-on correct. Now, shut up, put your fat ass back in its cushy SCOTUS chair, and finish your churro.

  3. Ya know if you hook your thumb in your belt loop,stick your trigger finger out rigid and bring the gun forward into your trigger finger you can get the same effect from your hip. My question is would Sotomayor outlaw thumbs or belt loops? That method is just as accurate as a bump fire stock by the way.

  4. Most likely insures a safer shot. Better than a strap around your arm to the barrel, What the phuck does someone who has never shot a gun know about rifles ??

  5. Maybe the Second Amendment DENIES the government the right to say anything about ANY FUCKING GUN. Maybe the original law is UNCONSTITUTIONAL as would be ANY LEGISLATION passed by ANY BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT trying to restrict gun ownership.

  6. MrLuberty nails it in one. Malum Prohibitum vs: Malum in se. It’s not the thing, it is the act. Matters not if you kill someone with a rubber dildo of a mini-gun. YOU did the killing. Not the item. And we have thousands of laws against that type of behavior. How well are those working to reduce crime rates?

  7. Earl

    Are you one of those 2A only voters? Looks like you’re sitting this election out. AGAIN. Trumps mentioned some things about red flag laws that bother me. The bump stock thing was a sacrificial move on his part. He threw the anti gun crowd a bone. Now, lets talk about the wide open border, inflation, a couple never ending wars, our fucked up foreign and domestic policies. What a putz.

  8. Brad, you have no argument; you cannot defend him. Trump is anti-gun/anti 2nd, and nothing you can whimper can alter that known fact, and no 2nd means no USA. A vote for Trump is a vote to kill the 2nd… a vote to kill the USA.

  9. You know what’s maddening about this is that every news report I heard about this referred to Stephan Paddock, lone gunman, armed with an AR15 with a bump stock, killed 50+ people and wounded dozens more. The media never quits with the propaganda!

  10. “armed with an AR15 with a bump stock,”

    Literally impossible. The kill zone was 600 to 850 yards plus from an elevated position. The shooter would be using “The Cone Of Death”. I think that’s what they call it. Basically the shooter pick a fixed position on the horizon and aims there. The idea is you rain lead down on you enemy. It’s still a precision shot. Bump stock are a pray and spray scenario. Highly inaccurate. That whole thing was bull shit and we’ll never know the truth behind it.

  11. On October 1, 2017, a mass shooting occurred when 64-year-old Stephen Paddock opened fire on the crowd attending the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada from his 32nd-floor suites in the Mandalay Bay hotel. He fired more than 1,000 rounds, killing 60 people[a] and wounding at least 413. The ensuing panic brought the total number of injured to approximately 867. About an hour later, he was found dead in his room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The motive for the shooting is officially undetermined.

    The incident is the deadliest mass shooting by one gunman in American history. It focused attention on firearms laws in the U.S., particularly with regard to bump stocks, which Paddock used to fire shots in rapid succession, at a rate similar to that of automatic firearms.[4] Bump stocks were banned by the U.S. Justice Department in December 2018, but the ban was overturned by the Supreme Court for lacking a legislative basis in 2024.[5]

    I should have looked it up, 60 dead, 413 injured. One man firing his weapon, alone.

  12. Paddock would have been equally effective during that killing spree if didn’t have the bump stock (If it was really him doing the shooting). Like Brad said, President Trump threw the libtards a bone. Bump stocks are toys for boys who like to waste ammo and make a lot of noise.

  13. Bump stocks are a novelty at best. The LV shooting doesn’t compute given what is known about bump stocks – i.e. that delivering aimed fire even at close range isn’t really possible. Even with a target as large as a crowd like that. You’d still be throwing rounds way off.

  14. ” that delivering aimed fire even at close range isn’t really possible”

    If you’re of 30 minutes at 600 yards that 5.24 feet. And you know damn well a bump stocks not good for 5 degrees. There’s a shit ton of good info on the LV shooting. Every time some one starts sifting through it they are silenced. It was some sloppy shit. Im stuck at the vertical bullet holes in stop signs.

  15. Must be Opposite Day if Earl believes what he says

    Look, Earl, just because you’re stupid and gullible doesn’t mean the rest of us are. Especially here.

    Your level of brain power might fare well talking to elementary school students.

    Emphasis on the “Might”

  16. “Even with the federal ban out of the picture, bump stocks will still not be readily available nationwide. Eighteen states have already banned them …”

    Thus, 18 states can violate the citizens’ II Amendment rights?
    Could those 18 states suspend, say, the XIII Amendment rights of the citizens?

    If not, why not?

    Are some Amendments “more equal” than others?

    Something stinks in DC – and it’s spreading.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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