Spotlight on a Jerk – IOTW Report

Spotlight on a Jerk

35 Comments on Spotlight on a Jerk

  1. “Prominent hooked nose”. Yup, I got one of those too. It’s a mark of honour for me. Part of my heritage. My orthodox Jewish grandparents fled eastern Europe in the early 1900’s and found their way to the east end of London where their second son (my father) and their only daughter were born. This “Doctor” couldn’t even begin to imagine what hardships and depravities they suffered, let alone have survived any of them.

    Just. Fuck. Right. Off.

  2. The reason I love the military (minus the Pedos version) is that unlike academic institutions it is a meritocracy.

    The system is designed to let the cream rise to the top at least (until the Kenyan faggot got involved).

    In academic circles any Marxist can prevail regardless of talent or capability.

    The shit circus you see today in our military is directly the result of the Magic Half Negros purging of all the Warrior class and elevating the political toads.

    Austin was promoted past 05 purely on the color of his skin and we are bearing those mistakes today. He always was a flat out moron.

    Milley was a warrior class Colonel who sold out during the purge and pledged alligence to the Jug Eared Commie.

    I retired during the purge but it was short lived as I was recalled 9 weeks later, but at least I had made my point.

    Obama is still the President today. Everything the Pedo does or says is a direct result of instructions from Obama.

    Unfortunately for him Joey Shitshispants is screwing up his third term.

  3. “Coming together as a big group…”
    In other words, we need a communist govt to dictate our lives.
    Unethical jerk wants to fail or pass people according to how well they obey? Yup. Gay commie.

  4. For THIS people mortgage their futures?
    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    I really don’t care whether or not he’s a weenie washer – he has no place teaching.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. I never trust anyone who talks through a shit-eating grin the whole time. Big red flag there.

    And this “voting out bad leaders and voting in good leaders” business…Who decides who makes the good leaders? Him?
    I’m sure he worships that puke Al Gore. You know, the self-serving climate alarmist who turned his schtick into $100 million dollars and has 7 houses and 2 private jets.
    Yeah, dickwad. Vote for him because he’s a “good leader.”

  6. Everyone is “The Terminator” when their whole world revolves around The Ivory Tower and intimidating underclassmen; my confederates and I completed our undergrad degrees in our late thirties to fifties. The facts-of-life outside his ivory bubble would have been explained, and possibly demonstrated, for him. The upshot is that no one would be failed for not wearing a mask, or any other reason not academic.

  7. “Now I say, we need a SOCIAL..we need to vote and vote out leaders that wont’ act on our behalf”….

    Socialist? socialism? What were you referring to there, faggy?

  8. I hope Professor Bruce gets his ass sued by the two students. Get a good lawyer. Ass is putting their well being and safety at risk in these unstable China Biden times.

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