Spotted in Malibu – IOTW Report

Spotted in Malibu

This won’t stay up long.

HT/ LeftCoastDan

19 Comments on Spotted in Malibu

  1. LCD, hopefully they move in with Martin Sheen. Cali just passed a Bill today for approval for a declaration of Cali as a sanctuary state. The communist have a super majority so it will pass. Let’s call this running out of other people’s money. NorCal Sheriffs have already stated they’ll turn illegals over to ICE. Just look at our Reps last names.

  2. @Brad – I missed it the first time too, thought it was official. Sabo maybe? 😉
    The entire town is up in arms, it was slammed through on a 3-2 vote at the end of a city council meeting and the 2 nays are pissed off too.

  3. It’s easy for Malibu to be a sanctuary city because there is virtually no chance illegals will be able to live there. A lot of communities and estates are gated and guarded, real estate is too pricey, and vagrants are hustled away. Sheen and Streisand can be all for declaring Malibu a sanctuary city because there is zero likelihood that any illegals will live near them.

    In southern California at least, with its over-regulation and exhorbitant housing prices, economics drives where illegals live – not sanctuary city status. California can pass a state wide sanctuary bill, but illegals will still gravitate to Boyle Heights and Santa Ana because econonics dictates that these are the places they can live – not Malibu or Beverly Hills where rich liberals will continue to put up their gates and walls.

  4. Heck there’s plenty of US citizens who can’t afford to live in Malibu much less illegals. Only reason for an illegal to go to Malibu is to mow, make a bed and go. Residents sure are going to miss their cheap labor soon.

  5. I was all in favor of sanctuaries in southern Cal. thinking it would be a magnet for criminals. But now the city fathers of Portland decided our crime rate is too low, taxes not high enough, brand new jail is still empty, repulsive drug addicts and alcoholics are under represented, there is not enough feces, vomit, or urine on the downtown sidewalks, not enough civil unrest, homicide rate too low, businesses are not moving out fast enough, overdose death rate too low, homo protests are limp, white flight is not really taking off, and there are not enough homeless camps under bridges. So they voted to fix all that by making Portland a sanctuary city. We should be giving California sanctuary cities some real competition now.

  6. Wyatt
    The “Limo liberals” in Malibu have has one set of standars for themselves and another for the rest of us for 60 years. Yes their police do profile and “escort” out those who “don’t belong” and have done so since the first Gov Brown Pat for you Easterners.

  7. Tsunami, yeah, we know. That’s why we refuse to go downtown. For some reason all the fruits, nuts, weirdos, criminals, vagrants, druggies, drunks, run aways, bicycle riders, homos, artists, greenies, degenerates, pervs, and other democrats seem to prefer the downtown area. The USGS claims that if conditions are just right, a major earthquake will turn everything west of I-5 into beach front property. So we got that going for us.

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