MSNBC Ponders an Abrams/Cheney Ticket for 2024
Breitbart A 2024 joint ticket consisting of Republican Liz Cheney and Democrat Stacey Abrams — who both failed to win seats in the recent midterm elections — is an “exciting” [Read More]
Breitbart A 2024 joint ticket consisting of Republican Liz Cheney and Democrat Stacey Abrams — who both failed to win seats in the recent midterm elections — is an “exciting” [Read More]
Red State So, the Democrats “have to put Trump on the ballot” in November. As hilariously as the strategy is, the reason is even more hilarious. If our intrepid president’s “accomplishments” [Read More]
Washington Examiner Jen Psaki is a top contender to replace Rachel Maddow at MSNBC as other networks court President Joe Biden’s press secretary, according to a report. Executives at CNN and MSNBC both reportedly traveled to Washington, D.C., [Read More]
Twitchy MSNBC had to keep it mostly in-house with its panel to discuss the taking of hostages at a Texas synagogue Saturday. Claire McCaskill’s a contributor, and then there’s Al [Read More]
Red State I bring you some happy news tonight. According to sources breaking out of Comcast, MSNBC’s Joy-less Reid is going to get the ax. Her show is going to [Read More]
Issues & Insight In our continued effort to point out the ugly media bias that misleads and divides us, we have created a prize that will be occasionally handed out [Read More]
Newsbusters On Saturday’s The Cross Connection, race-obsessed MSNBC host Tiffany Cross served up the kind of vitriol against white Americans that regular viewers of the show have come to expect as she [Read More]
We should have expected this, but the off-putting response from the establishment left has been truly distasteful. First up, we have the occupant of the White House using a cognitively [Read More]
For days now members of the left wing press have been speculating not on the re-conquest of Afghanistan by murderous Muslim fanatics and the deafening silence coming from the White [Read More]
Gateway Pundit Democrat Senator Kamala Harris (CA) on Saturday night appeared on MSNBC to discuss late Congressman John Lewis. But everyone was talking about her *new* face. More Video
News Busters It doesn’t seem that the media has learned anything after they completely mangled their predictions that red states like Florida and Georgia would see catastrophic consequences for opening [Read More]
Breitbart Former Fox News Channel anchor Shep Smith, known for his critical coverage of the Trump administration, has spoken with MSNBC brass about a possible job at the leftwing news [Read More]
In a revealing interview recently with MSNBC, former attorney general for Barack Obama, Eric Holder was asked his opinion on the idea of “make America great again.” Holder’s recollection of America’s [Read More]
Disabled veteran James Berrie arrived at his polling place in Houston only to find MSNBC set up in the handicap parking area doing a live shot. Berrie complained to the [Read More]
The leftist cable news outlets spent yesterday repeating the words “impeach” and “impeachment” 114 times. While it’s better than their obsession a few months ago with “s*hole” it’s still senseless monotony only they seem to [Read More] ©2024 ----- iOTWreport is not responsible for the content of comments. All opinions in comments are solely the commenter's.