Tastes Just Like Meat – IOTW Report

Tastes Just Like Meat

American Greatness

A bizarre assertion made by scientists in South Korea suggests that if the global population starts eating burgers and other food made out of earthworms, then world hunger would be greatly reduced.

The New York Post reports that Dr. Hee Cho of Wonkwang University led a research project which concluded that mixing cooked mealworms, or beetle larvae, with sugar can produce a substance that resembles and allegedly tastes like meat. More

25 Comments on Tastes Just Like Meat

  1. Why should I trust some dumb ass idiot from WonkyWang U?
    If he wants to eat friggin bugs, that’s on him, but don’t make me eat them.
    Eating worms would be taking away the food that my food likes to eat.

  2. Have you ever seen a salad bar with chow mein noodles offered as a crunchy alternative to croutons?

    Are you sure those were noodles?

    SRSLY, I don’t want to force anybody to eat anything, but I’ve had earthworms prepared a couple of different ways (including deep fried where they do end up looking like noodles) and they can be pretty good, especially if there are sufficient quantities of butter and garlic in the recipe.

  3. I’m sure he got that recipe from his great aunt who is still living on North Korea.

    In other news The networks should consider canceling all Pro Baseball games and replacing them with Little League games. Some of the most enjoyable ball I’ve watched for at least 5 years this week end.

  4. Allegedly tastes like meat is the key phrase. No thanks, I’m not eating any friggin worms ever bucko. Worms are not whats for dinner ever in my book. Fish bait maybe but not for human consumption ever. The worms crawl around, the worms crawl about, they play like fake meat on your plate, no thanks, I will not participate Sam I Am. I’d rather eat green eggs and Spam.

  5. If prepared worms are SOOO good, send ’em up north to your relatives in NorkLand. They’ll be more then happy to have them.
    Of course, depopulating the worms may play havoc with the eco-system.
    If this worm thing goes through, I foresee The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences coming into action. And not in a good way.

  6. Certainly my eating habits have no more effect on world hunger than my gasoline fueled vehicle has on global climate change.

    Uncle Al can have my share of the bugs.

  7. If I was supposed to eat worms I wouldn’t have memories of my grandpa deworming his livestock. Grandpa wasn’t a fool and he wouldn’t pass up on a 2 for 1 unless their was a reason.

  8. As a fisherman, I can tell ya that Night Crawlers run around $3.50 a dozen. By the pound that puts them as more expensive than prime beef.
    Use those worms to catch fish.

  9. The cow I just bought was slaughtered on Thursday. It will hang in the cooler for at least a week and then be butchered to my specs. My new deep freeze is ready and I’m ready to eat prime beef for quite some time. Bugs are for birds.

  10. The S. Korean govt has long-since been compromised. Take note of the fact the govt officials stuff themselves with ‘good food’ while their citizenry starve and scrounge around the streets in search of any type food to stay alive.

  11. Even my cat won’t eat worms.
    The food shortages are manufactured.
    The globalist commies want everyone not in their little elitist club to be serfs.
    They can pound sand.

  12. Yes, aircubed,
    the Holodomor was caused by Joe Stalin’s imbecilic socialist notions.
    the famine in Ethiopia was caused by Mengistu’s imbecilic socialist notions.
    the famine in China was caused by Mao’s imbecilic socialist notions.
    the famine in North Korea is caused by Kim’s imbecilic socialist notions.
    &c., &c., &c.

    Hunger is a means of control. (not all famines are socialist inspired – Armenia, for example)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  13. @Beachmom

    Surely we can’t let the global cabal do this to us. This is the nation of freedom, not slaves reduced to eating bugs to survive.

    A strong leader has got to come forward. Maybe Trump or DeSantis, or a strong conservative woman. I don’t care as long as he/she is a patriot, not a pervert, and will fight abortion and illegal immigration.

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