Tell Those Firemen to Stop Censoring My Political Act – IOTW Report

Tell Those Firemen to Stop Censoring My Political Act

Darius Raymond Stewart was arrested this week for torching a West Baltimore liquor store during the Freddie Gray riots. Video cameras recorded Mr. Stewart as he went from one part of the store to the other lighting the place up.

fireside fire

Confidential informers gave the firebug up to Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.


Mr. Stewart should have DeRay McKesson testify on his behalf at the trial. McKesson made his name as the #BlackLivesMatter front man and has been holding workshops at Yale this week spreading his wisdom.

See Mr. McKesson justifies riots and looting as just another form of political expression.


I wonder what I can get away with by claiming it as a political action?

6 Comments on Tell Those Firemen to Stop Censoring My Political Act

  1. of course….whether or not they actually prosecute him ……or convict him…is a matter left up to the sterling Baltimore Judicial establishment ……Marilyn Mosby anyone?
    …he’ll probably walk ….with a huge settlement….

  2. I wonder what I can get away with by claiming it as a political action.

    I think I’ll rob a British Bank, or the Bank of Scotland, and claim retribution for the Irish slave trade and, of course, the Famine..

  3. How many levels of insanity are there ? WTF is next…..
    Commies own our schools now.So a low IQ uneducated man who
    believes a provable LIE is a professor at a once respected Ivy League
    school. We are finished as a nation.

  4. I wonder what I can get away with by claiming it as a political action?

    How about infesting with bedbugs¹ the offices of anybody involved with infesting the US with mohammadmen?

    1. My first thought was brown recluse spiders, but that would be wrong!

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