The annual office expense account for an American senator is $3.7 million – IOTW Report

The annual office expense account for an American senator is $3.7 million

But there are rules about usage!!

Thought Co.-

The allowance is provided for the fiscal year. The preliminary list of SOPOEA levels contained in the Senate report accompanying the fiscal year 2017 legislative branch appropriations bill shows a range of $3,043,454 to $4,815,203. The average allowance is $3,306,570.

Usage Restrictions

Senators are prohibited from using any portion of their SOPOEA allowance for any personal or political purposes, including campaigning. Payment of any amount spent in excess of a senator’s SOPOEA allowance must be paid by the senator.

The combined total of the three SOPOEA allowances can be used at the discretion of each Senator to pay for any type of official expenses they incur, including travel, office personnel or office supplies. However, expenses for mailing are currently limited to $50,000 per fiscal year.


So how do you spend almost 4 mil? Well, you hire broads you are banging, I suspect. And travel with them. And buy “office supplies.”

Here is a good essay as to why term limits are necessary.

16 Comments on The annual office expense account for an American senator is $3.7 million

  1. Easy peasy way to unload 3.7 million of tax payer money is to hire every immediate family member and every known distantly related relative (especially when they all seem to work for their own public relation firms) for a share of the Washington dollar bill pie + a share for the big guy at the top of the totem pole!

  2. Hey, don’t forget the multi-million dollar hidden slush fund used by the congress critters to pay off a variety of sexual harassment/harassment charges levied against a variety of our esteemed public servants(?)!

  3. Any question why the grifting Bidens have been able to pull off what they have been able to? If the rest of the grifters had gone after them it would impact their ability to cash in themselves.

  4. That’s $10,000 PER DAY!!!
    – Each and every day of the year.
    What always bothers me is the left worrying about rich folks supposedly getting over.
    – When it is really the politicians and bureaucrats that pickpocket all of us.

  5. BUT… do you people have any idea what hookers are charging for a blow job these days!? I’ve heard it’s real pricey… according to my sources. 🙂 Except for the V.P.

  6. @Anonymous APRIL 28, 2021 AT 1:50 PM
    “Term limits would be the biggest un-doable disaster since the 17th Amendment.”

    If anyone disputes this, I offer California as evidence.

  7. “Any pol will tell you that keeping a well stocked bar is an absolutely essential office expense. And as for whiskey, blends simply won’t do — single malts only!”

    They don’t pay for liquor, Al.
    They have hundreds of maggots who want influence lined up around the block giving them free shit. You remember Speaker Jim Wright of Texas? His office caught on fire and the fire destroyed about 2000 cases of beer (I don’t know the actual number, but it was floor to ceiling stacked).
    Whatever a lobbyist has to offer is given with abandon – including suitcases of money.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. If you liked the job Jeff Flake, Bob Corker and John McCain did after they said they weren’t running for re-election, you’ll love it when all of Congress is term-limited. Total unaccountability.

  9. I used to be good at math. By my estimate, we’ve shelled out approximately 185,000,000 just to keep that Fool’s fool Biden in office!

    Now it’s costing us that much every day!

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