The God and Country Battle Plan – IOTW Report

The God and Country Battle Plan

Wild Bill for America

13 Comments on The God and Country Battle Plan

  1. I hope I don’t hurt anyone’s feelings or offend their delicate sensibilities, but this the kind of talk that ends up loosing.

    FWIW, God is no respecter of men and does not take anyone’s side, it is our duty to be on his side not his to be on ours (yes, that’s a biblically correct statement).

  2. @Anonymous

    That “duty” axiom was from Lincoln;

    But I agree about God not taking political sides. Since all events unfold exactly by plan and to his will, Biden and his co-conspirators effing up the nation is part of that plan. Whether as punishment, or a clarion call to subordinate our will to his, this “hell in earth” may last a very long time.

    Wild Bill is right about the left scorning God, removing our God given civil libertines, and erecting a golden calf of socialism,climate worship,and race theory to supplant the real faith.

  3. From Anon, one of ’em: “FWIW, God is no respecter of men and does not take anyone’s side, it is our duty to be on his side not his to be on ours (yes, that’s a biblically correct statement).”

    You either did not read the Old Testament in the Christian Bible nor the Torah, or you didn’t understand what was written.

  4. @Brad
    Terrance Pop is right. The left will stop at nothing to reach their goals. They have over 100 years of death and misery to prove it. It’s gonna get much worse before we can concur them and make it better. And concur is the only way. There is no compromise with leftists.

  5. Jethro
    Pop does an excellent job of breaking things down.
    I’m feeling sorry for the guy though, I’ve passed that video around to a handful of peeps I know and they all say we could be twins. LOL


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