The Kleins Raise Enough Dough To Stay In The Fight – IOTW Report

The Kleins Raise Enough Dough To Stay In The Fight

The owners of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, Aaron and Melissa Klein, have been able to raise in excess of $380,000 (according to Continue to Give) in order to meet the $135,000 award against them imposed by the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry (BOLI) for refusing a couple of lesbians their wedding cake. hqdefault

They are by no means out of financial difficulty.


The couple were forced to shut down the retail store in 2013, which cut their income in half. They are unsure if the government is going to tax the donated money or if the BOLI is going to charge them 9% interest on the $135,000 award while they await appeals.

Then there are the legal costs of fighting BOLI and its commissar, Brad Avakian

8 Comments on The Kleins Raise Enough Dough To Stay In The Fight

  1. Then there are the legal costs of fighting BOLI and its commissar, Brad Avakian

    In a properly just world, there would be no BOLI or Brad Avakian. Or at least there would be no legal costs, only ammunition costs.

  2. I will never pay the jizya, to queer or moslem. And I would counter sue for emotional and financial damage. I’m sure a good lawyer could find some other things to sue for. Destruction of reputation or whatever. Fight this all the way. Never submit.

  3. State of Oregon has several underfunded Public Employee’s Pension Funds but the comucrats would rather lose part of their pensions than allow BOLI, another worthless gummit bureaucracy, to shut down. The State should get rid of their worthless agencies and use that money to shore up retirement funds.

  4. Oregon’s on the Highway to Hell, in the passing lane. The citizens are, obviously, as fucked up as the elected and appointed officials since they tolerate this sort of thing.

  5. Correction: HALF the citizens are F-ed up. Oregon is two states in actual fact. West of the Cascades is the liberal mecca made up of California transplants who hijacked our laws and institutions. East of the Cascades is the other Oregon made up of ranchers and (formerly) loggers until the FEDGOV shut down much of the logging industry starting in the 70’s. This is where I grew up and I can assure you the machinations which occur on the coast every day in the Oregon government do NOT sit well. there. For example: Just to set the record straight.

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