The Man Who Mowed Down Moldylocks Speaks – IOTW Report

The Man Who Mowed Down Moldylocks Speaks

“Ethno-masochism is not healthy… trying to sabotage and destroy your own people is very sick, that’s a mass pathology that’s been developed in the west.”

He’s been labeled a racist, bigot and white supremacist because he has questions about what is being taught in the classroom today- that white people suck.

13 Comments on The Man Who Mowed Down Moldylocks Speaks

  1. Well-reasoned, educated, and well-spoken.
    Seems like a pretty decent dude to me.
    He fully represents the Trumpian movement in America, but you won’t be seeing him interviewed by the Democrat Media Mafia.

  2. OMG! He has SELF-RESPECT!
    Everybody PANIC!!!

    Good that he points out the bigotry and “normalizing/rationalization” of violence against whites
    has been going on for DECADES.

    “Ethno-masochism”: word of 2017!

  3. I’m a 100% with him until the way he answered that last question. “A little room for them”. We need all the Patriots we can get. No matter what skin color.
    I second the motion for “Ethno-masochism”: as the word of 2017!

  4. He should bang the camo-wearing interviewer while on safari and have intelligent Master Race babies to repopulate the USA after subhuman leftoids destroy it.

    I invision a bear rug and fire.

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