The Nazi’s Were On Drugs, What Is The Left’s Excuse? – IOTW Report

The Nazi’s Were On Drugs, What Is The Left’s Excuse?

Daily Caller:

One has to wonder what exactly is causing the increasingly extreme nature of the reaction of the left to our President.  It really isn’t normal how these people are behaving, and while it has been clear for a long time that Nancy Pelosi is crazy, Charles Schumer is hateful and John McCain is bitter, there is something else that is infecting these and too many others in the media and on the left side of the aisle since the election of our 45th President.

It’s as if there is some sort of unnamed…substance involved?


19 Comments on The Nazi’s Were On Drugs, What Is The Left’s Excuse?

  1. it is very likely a combination of ingredients that have been adapted by the losers club.
    they don’t like the real world, so they must withdraw into a fantasyland!

  2. @MJA – There is a very good chance that nother addictive substances are involved, and they are self-produced. The over-simplified short explanation is that certain mental states, such as righteous indignation, cause endocrinological reactions including the release of the same class of chemicals as those involved in pleasurable experiences. In other words, SJWs experience real pleasure from their rants.

    There’s a lot more to this than my too-brief comment above. One of my favorite and respected speculative/science fiction authors, David Brin, PhD, has written a good paper on the subject. Click here for a highly recommended treatise.

  3. The left’s excuse is that we did it, too. From British troops in North Africa, to night-time bomber crews over Northern Europe. From methamphetamine, to benzedrine and dexedrine. I have often wondered if the band name “Dexys Midnight Runners” was a reference to this practice.

    But back to tbe subject at hand. I think Scott Adams is on the right track…

    Would you feel safe voting for a presidential candidate without knowing which prescription drugs he or she is taking?…If you said it is safe, perhaps you have never been around people taking powerful prescription drugs. Many meds influence decision-making, either directly or indirectly. You know from your own experience that you can make different decisions when you are hungry or tired. Prescription drugs often have side-effects on the body that can influence decisions. Do you want the nuclear codes in the hands of Big Pharma, in effect? That sounds scary to me.”

  4. One need only look to Nancy Pelosi for the answer. I’d very much like to know which prescription drugs she abuses while engaging in her morning to night alcohol intake. Uh-Uh-Uh-Uh…Uh…

  5. This: 10 And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Therefore God shall send them the operation of error, to believe lying

  6. Short answer. They’re nucking futs.
    Their beatable champion, got her nasty ass handed to her by a reality TV star. A man, who had all the democrats lined up against him, and half of his own party as well. A man who, by believing their own phony polls, didn’t stand a chance. And when the landslide happened, they lost their collective minds. And now, a psychotic rage is boiling within them. And they can’t handle it. Look for it to worsen.

  7. Don’t need drugs to be an imbecile … but it helps!

    Kennedy was on drugs, Johnson … well … Johnson may have been smoking wacky tobacky, Nixon – no way, Ford – not necessary, Carter – probably, Reagan – yeah, 2nd term, Bush – not necessary, Clinton – oh, Hell YEAH!, W – no, Obola – the stuff dreams are made of – serious and lots of em.

    Pretty sure that dope is de rigueur in every editor’s office and newsroom in America.

    If it isn’t dope, then the socialists (both Bolsheviks(D) and Mensheviks(R)) are displaying complete and absolute contempt for the American people and the whole concept of self-government.
    It cannot be otherwise.
    (not that that’s a big surprise)

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. It’s the most powerful drug there is, money. Lots and lots of money from that carefully erected thing called the donor class. Now all that money has no effect on the outcome of laws that protect and further the success of the donor class.

  9. Power and money. But really it is their quest for control over everybody and everything, and that includes power and money.
    Drugs are just a perk of their power if they use them.

  10. Methamphetamine (ADHD) and opioids (Pain) are used by a huge percentage of our society. At any given road intersection you can clearly see the effects of a society on the tablets. They’re like fucking zombies!

    My wife sells opioids, legally, she’s a pharma rep. Her drugs come in a form that prohibits abuse, it’s a film that dissolves on the inside of your cheek. If they try to cook it, grind it or otherwise, it releases an agent that counteracts the opioid.

    She’s having a difficult time selling her brand. Apparently these losers that take opioids 2-3 times or more a day to wallow in their snowflakiness don’t like the fact that they cannot crush it up and snort it.

  11. “Blasted through Belgian defenses…”? Belgium HAD no defense; they were neutral!

    By the way, everyone respected Swiss neutrality because everyone with any power kept his “get outa town quick” money in a secret Swiss bank account. Now that the Swiss banking system is more open, no one will respect their neutrality during the next shooting war in Europe

  12. @old_oaks – Serious question, I’m curious. Could you ask your wife what’s to stop someone from sucking on the pill just long enough to dissolve the coating, then doing whatever with the dried-out stuff?

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