The Patriarchy! – IOTW Report

The Patriarchy!

This is a comment on a youtube video featuring Jordan Peterson, and it is spot on-

Lutha Sunspell

I am an Italian-American. You could argue my family is a patriarchy from the outside. My dad is a leader, my dad is outspoken. But inside the family we all know what Mama says goes. Blaming everything on the mythical patriarchy in a country where we have voting and property ownership rights is just whining like children for what you want but don’t earn.

9 Comments on The Patriarchy!

  1. “ whining like children for what you want but don’t earn.”
    Is this not the core of the entire problem? Everyone wants but no one works. It’s too easy to take what I made, what I worked for, what I earned and too difficult to get off of your pansy ass and work for 40 years to become self-made like I did. Eff all of them.

  2. “Why are women so uptight? They got half the money and all the pussy!” -Richard Pryor…..

    And there’s the ability to have babies and continue human life….Men work harder just for the ability to be in the same room when all of this happens….It’s our God given duty as a Man….

  3. The amount of restraint exhibited by Jordan in not bitch slapping this dandified beta pussy in the first several minutes, bravo.

    Feminism succeeds in its malignant march to destroy our society because micro-dicked simps like this “journalist” must bend the knee and spout nonsense in order to get laid.

    The patriarchy (of course I have a different definition) exists and flourishes within the evolution of our species because it is most beneficial to all parties, especially the nuclear family. Of all the successful marriages that I’ve known over the years, and you can try this test yourself, the father willingly takes the role of leader, protector, and provider. And the only marriages that do not dissolve when the man is weak and the woman takes the lead are those where she understands her options are limited and this is the best she will ever do.

    The institution of manhood, masculinity, and the roles alpha males take in stabilizing our society, is dying before our eyes and will be extinguished completely within this generation.

  4. Violence between men in a conflict is a natural progression. It’s been that way since day 1. Men, real men, show restraint in avoiding it. And now it scares the living shit out of sub standard males. Which account for about 70 percent of all males. Particularly the young ones. This was accomplished through some very well planned and executed Social Engineering. In my opinion we are much worse of for it.

  5. What Claudia wrote X 1,000!

    I would add that in families where the motivation amongst the husband and wife are competition there will be failure. When the motivation is mutual love and support, there you will find the synergy (the sum of the whole is greater than its parts)that only can come from a well-matched marriage. You would be hard put to find such synergy in a non-married living together arrangement.

  6. This also reveals one of the forged pillars by which the altar of “woke” was erected, along with Godlessness, climate worship, and victimhood. Our creator and the patriarch of the nuclear family must first be subordinated and then eliminated in favor of a well-planned bureaucracy, government is some fashion that is influenced and controlled by the educated and enlightened.

    An independent free thinking confident male, comfortable in his ability to make a dent in the universe and forge his own path, along with the Judeo-Christian morality, and the finite limit to which good people can be pushed and bullied, these scares the bejesus out of them.

  7. “I am an Italian-American. You could argue my family is a patriarchy from the outside. My dad is a leader, my dad is outspoken. But inside the family we all know what Mama says goes. Blaming everything on the mythical patriarchy in a country where we have voting and property ownership rights is just whining like children for what you want but don’t earn.”

    Winner, winner, chicken dinner!!

  8. The fact is we would still be living in the trees if men didn’t chase women. Where sex is universally available men don’t figure out ways to get women. In our culture high quality porn and radically declining quality of women (land whales and the unwashed miserable feminists) is increasing the number of men who won’t do much at all. Feminism was developed by women who really knew nothing about relations between men and women. Everyone with any sense knows women are the reason, we just have to front our dominance, mostly to the other men, but so the women can see it too (because they like that sort of show).


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