“The Rosa Parks of the NFL” – IOTW Report

“The Rosa Parks of the NFL”

The Hill

Former New York Giants defensive end and Super Bowl champion George Martin on Wednesday said that Brian Flores will become “the Rosa Parks of the NFL” after the ex-Miami Dolphins head coach filed a lawsuit against the league and several football teams for racial discrimination in hiring practices.

Martin told CNN’s John Berman that it “took an inordinate amount of courage” for Flores to bring the lawsuit against the NFL.

“With this lawsuit, it’s obvious Brian is going to become the Rosa Parks of the NFL and rightly so,” Martin said, saying Flores was standing up “against one of the largest corporations in the world [to] talk about the fact there is less opportunity for people of color than there are otherwise.” More

Brian Flores reportedly made $3 million as the losing coach of the Miami Dolphins. Here So, yeah, totally like Rosa Parks.

28 Comments on “The Rosa Parks of the NFL”

  1. Per that great move of the post (un)Civil War, “Gone With The Wind”, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

  2. As a lifelong Dolphin fan, I followed the story of his firing with some interest (less than I would have before the NFL went woke), and a common theme out of Miami is that Flores is basically a Class A jerk. He likely would have kept his job had he not alienated almost everyone in the organization.

  3. Rosa Parks?

    That’s not very…….that’s no good. You can’t compare someone to Rosa Parks.

    I mean….

    Last time I checked…. Rosa Parks was brain dead.

  4. More like the Jussie Smollet or Bubba Wallace of the NFL. Strange he didn’t run out and sign Kaepernick….WHY you might ask? Because Kaepernick sucked as a team player and quarterback and this guy sucks as a head coach.

  5. Gee Wally, isn’t the fact that they choose the shortest, coldest month of the year to be Black History month proof of systemic, institutionalized racism?

    Naw Beave. They knew if they picked a month in the summertime there’d be wide-spread rioting!

  6. Kcir, Fur told me I was too coy. So here we are.

    Anyway, what’s funny to me is reading a thread and then dropping some wildly, wildly inappropriate comment and watching it get zero thumbs up.

    I know it was funny, you know it was funny, but…. it’s like people don’t want to give me a thumbs up because Jesus is watching or something.

    It’s these little, precious moments in life that make it all worth while.

  7. No, Rosa Parks was putting her life on the line. Flores is whining because he wants more millions of $. Flores made more in a month than most make in years. His lawsuit says that a team hired someone before that team interviewed any minority candidates.

    While I would probably have interviewed more, I have cut off interviews when I have found an excellent fit. I am not going to risk losing a prime candidate just so I can say I made sure I talked with 32 different genders and dozens of different races.

  8. Hearing his point of view and knowing the NFL rule, he was used in order to meet the rule.

    I think the rule is what needs to go.

    It’s an affirmative action type rule.

    So – I agree with him that he has a lawsuit. Rules are rules.

    But I think the whole thing shouldn’t have been an issue in the first place. His race should not be a factor at all. That’s what I find an issue with.

    Ditch the rule.

  9. “it’s like people don’t want to give me a thumbs up because Jesus is watching or something.”

    He’s watching with a lever action rifle. Changes the whole dynamic. Or so I’ve heard.

  10. Sir Burr, you’re the Don Rickles of iOTWr. Sometimes the jokes hit the mark and sometimes they land like a lead balloon. LOL! Still, I’m a fan.
    You’re just light years ahead of us. Genius wit.

  11. The lead balloon ones are the funniest.

    I can just imagine the face palms and eye rolls.

    Yeah well……it’s all Hat’s fault. “You’re too coy!” is what he said.

    I guess I’m doin’ it right. He hasn’t called out “Uncle” yet….so…. more coal in the boilers. Full steam ahead.

  12. Like MLK Jr., Rosa Parks was a Marxist tool. Her grandstanding gesture was a staged leftist media stunt. So yeah, the Rosa Parks moniker for Flores fits.

    The NFL are woke enablers. There have been other NFL coaches who are black, not to mention a very large number of millionaire players and commentators. Where is the racism? “Woke” negroes…please!

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