Trump Pledges to Review Fuel Efficiency Standards – IOTW Report

Trump Pledges to Review Fuel Efficiency Standards

( – President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that he plans to review the fuel efficiency standards for U.S. vehicles.

Speaking at the American Center for Mobility in Ypsilanti Township, Mich., the president said that auto executives told him that the Obama administration promised to review the federal fuel efficiency standards, but issued an executive action in the 11th hour just days before Trump’s inauguration.

“They all told me the same thing: they explained that the previous administration promised you a so-called midterm review of the federal fuel efficiency standards. It was necessary, because the standards were set far into the future, way, way into the future. If the standards threatened auto jobs, then common sense changes could have and should have been made,” Trump said. “Just days before my inauguration, the previous administration cut short the promised mid-term review in an 11th hour executive action.

“Today I am announcing that we are going to cancel that executive action. We are going to restore the originally scheduled mid-term review, and we are going to ensure that any regulations we have protect and defend your jobs, your factories. We’re going to be fair,” Trump said.    read more

5 Comments on Trump Pledges to Review Fuel Efficiency Standards

  1. I hope that part of this regulation rollback will be eliminating the requirement for DEF Diesel exhaust Fluid in diesels and also allowing European car mfgrs to import their clean-diesel passenger cars.

  2. That Obama-imposed DEF fluid scam is why I will never give up my F250 pickup with the 7.3L diesel engine. I haven’t done any major mods on my Behemoth but I get 20mpg at 70mph on the highway.

    There is ONE new regulation that President Trump should impose – any gas/electric vehicle should be called Caitlyn because it’s a HYBRID. 😀

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