Trump right again- NBC and BBC fact check Trump’s claim of violent #antifa and reluctantly confirm – IOTW Report

Trump right again- NBC and BBC fact check Trump’s claim of violent #antifa and reluctantly confirm


Both NBC News and the BBC have put out videos offering fact-checks on some of President Trump’s claims about what took place in Charlottesville. Both agree there were violent anti-fascist protesters who came to the protest looking for a fight. First, here’s NBC’s report.

go here for the rest

HT/ C. Steven Tucker

110 Comments on Trump right again- NBC and BBC fact check Trump’s claim of violent #antifa and reluctantly confirm

  1. KKK members and Nazis are employing violence against anyone that doesn’t share their “white power” opinion, including woman and children, including murdering someone in broad daylight with a Dodge.

    The ANTIFA folks were only looking to beat some Alt-Right ass. It’s a huge difference.

  2. “The ANTIFA folks were only looking to beat some Alt-Right ass. It’s a huge difference.”

    Ohh antifa was just there to start a riot and throw in some ” violence against anyone that doesn’t share their “” opinion, including woman and children”
    Got it! Yeah, they’re totally not like the kkk. Well, they’re excused from now on then Pfft!

  3. When a second group appears aiming violence at the first group, the first group is able to defend itself by whatever means is necessary. Defending themselves only made necessary by the imbeciles of the second group.

  4. WW2 MJA, The world agreed to get together and use violence to solve the Nazi / Fascism problem. ANTIFA is violent but only against morons that are violent against innocent people. It is a disservice to every soldier that died fighting the Nazis for people to defend this group of Alt-Right trash.

  5. “ANTIFA is violent but only against morons that are violent against innocent people”

    Yea, but they’re not very good at violence. Keep poking us with that stick and we will show you what violence looks like. You won’t like it.

  6. @Trolly McFuckface: So the Antifa on a rampage in Berkeley, Portland and elsewhere destroying public and private property and beating up Trump supporters (not Nazis) were somehow justified? You are an idiot. Take a hike, Troll.

  7. Trolly, No one is trying to defend the fucking kkk. [ they do have a right, as anyone else does to say stupid shit and not get attacked violently, btw] And you shouldn’t be extolling the virtues of antifa who are doing everything to kill free speech themselves [berkeley, san jose, Trump rallies, so on and so forth], through physical violence, setting fires, destroying property and often joined BLM and praised them as they killed cops. Now we find out antifa are anti-semite and we already know they spew out communist propaganda. So don’t come here praising antifa for doing something against nazi’s when they believe and act like communists. It’s a disservice to the soldiers of any war.

  8. Do not defend an ideology that our men and women fought a war against. I don’t give a shit if in ONE situation, they look like they’re helping YOU. It only makes them stronger. Nazis and antifa want to have a speech, let em. Let em show the world how retarded they are. But once you attack with physical violence, you’re done. . antifa violence led to nazi retard running down a person. That’s why they were BOTH WRONG. Don’t side with any of them.

  9. They could have just let them parade around like assholes, they would have gone home, everyone would have said they were dickbags and that would be the end of it. NOOOOO, dramatic antifa and blm needed a piece of the action and made it worse than it already was, and Rubio, Romney and mccain are now up there acting like the nazis were punching themselves and that caused the psycho to run over the woman. Politicians, media, all idiots. And the morons that worship them. FFS.

  10. “the presidents mistaken, there are no good Nazi’s”

    this sweetheart did not ever hear DJT say there were good nazi’s.

    this comes from listening only to the msm.

    while we are on the subject, show me a good fascist, socialist or communist sweetheart. and they are all on the same side of the political spectrum as antifa is.

  11. “we will show you what violence looks like. You won’t like it.” Bad_Brad… LOL! That didn’t take long. Didn’t you mean to add “Come at me bro” to that? Idiot.

  12. Ok, so here’s my amusing observation of the thread. MJA, sounds like he’s anti-violence but also sides with Bad_Brad who jumped right to a violent threat against me. Which is laughable.

    Back to the subject at hand though. I’m not defending ANTIFA as an organization or every single thing they stand for. I am condemning the KKK and Nazis in the strongest possible terms and agreeing that if they are going to march through the streets chanting threats to Jews and Blacks and calling for blood in the soil they SHOULD be met with an armed resistance of people who aren’t going to stand for that sh1t.

    Our nation is lucky the ANTIFA protestors showed restraint this time and didn’t show up with rifles like the Nazi ass hats did. It would have been a blood bath if everyone started letting bullets fly.

    And before some dickhead says “but liberals don’t have guns”… REALLY? Because your boy DJT is always running his mouth about all the gun violence in Chicago… is it all conservatives that are shooting up the South Side?

  13. Trolly McTrollface

    Like it or not Might Makes Right.

    ” Bad_Brad who jumped right to a violent threat against me.”

    Snow flake, please tell me where I threatened you personally.

    “Our nation is lucky the ANTIFA protestors showed restraint this time and didn’t show up with rifles”

    If you think you can shoot with those guys you got rocks in your head. It’s an acquired skill.

  14. Trolly McTrollface oh ffs. You just said we had to be okay with antifa because they’re fighting against nazis, and now you hate them? LOL. Come on.
    ” Our nation is lucky the ANTIFA protestors showed restraint this time ” HA! This time? Only because cops scoped out the area and found antifa hiding weapons before hand?

    Hey, and don’t link my comment with anyone else’s . I said what I said and agreed with Brad as to what WE were talking about. Leave my ass out of the rest. I didn’t see him threaten you anyway, he was going off on antifa. who you suddenly aren’t chummy with. Whatever.

  15. By the way, Tolly, antifa are anti-jew, anti white (go figure that one out)anti- ‘wrong’ gay, anti ‘wrong’ woman, anti-‘wrong black’, and anti- anything that doesn’t align with their ideology. They are out for destruction any way they can get it. They are the same asshole with a different name. So don’t come here trying to say they saved the day or some bullshit. There’s no difference between nazis, klan, antifa, blm, isis, except for the cosmetics. Don’t be ridiculous.

  16. @Bad_Brad

    @show me, “Keep poking us with that stick and we will show you what violence looks like. You won’t like it.”

    @aquired skill, You DO know that people like me go to the range and shoot right along side you, right? You’d have to be daft to think that just because someone shoots they agree with you politically on anything other than the 2nd amendment. HINT: most of the quiet guys at the range…. the ones without the Trump cum on their upper lip… they’re liberals.

  17. @MJA, that is the point of the OP correct? “Trump right again”.

    My point is that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. You apparently know a lot more about ANTIFA than I do. However, they were resisting Nazis and the KKK and for that I will and MUST give them credit.

    If there’s another post about some dumb shit they do… perhaps I’ll condemn them but in this instance the KKK and Nazis were 100% to blame and Trump is dead wrong to blame “both sides”.

  18. “You DO know that people like me go to the range and shoot right along side you, right? ”

    See, there’s your problem. You don’t know what training is. I’ll give you a little hint, it’s not standing stationary Weaver Style punching holes in paper. So NO, you don’t stand next to me.

  19. No your point was to call out ‘your boy’ Trump and to throw some cover behind antifa. IF there’s another post on the dumb shit antifa does PERHAPS you’ll condemn them?
    Are you shitting me? Where do you get your news?
    You’ve met the internet, right?
    OMG someone else play with this guy. I’m done.
    He comes to argue with nothing to back his shit up.

  20. ” KKK and Nazis were 100% to blame and Trump is dead wrong to blame “both sides”.

    The assholes you speak about above had a permit. They are afforded their First Amendment Rights (Correct). It was their day in the park waiving their brand new Nazi Flags around and chanting. All legal. There would have been zero problem if ANTIFA would have stayed away. Now, where is Trump wrong?

  21. Morally, they were all wrong before they stepped foot in that park.
    That’s what Trump called them on.
    Legally, yep. nazis had the permit.
    Illegally, they both got violent. And THAT is the other thing Trump called them out on.
    No heroes here. None.

  22. uhh Trolly.
    Give us your profile, nothing personal, mind you, I’m not interested in doxing you, that’s an #antifa thing.
    Just give a rundown like- white, male, leans right.
    Because, if that is your profile, Antifa is your enemy, yes, never your friend.

    The statement “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” is nonsensical applied to #antifa.
    It makes more sense applied to the white supremacists.

    You’re not good at war, apparently.

  23. “But they had a permit!!!!” LOL!!!! How fucked is that logic? They got a permit for a protest and then marched through the streets with torches changing “blood and soil”, then they showed up the next day dressed in riot gear and carrying AR-15s… “But… they had a permit!”

  24. Way back during World War II the Nazis and Fascists were bosom buddies/allies. Now they have been rebranded as the Neo-Nazis, skin heads, white supremacists and the Anri-Fascist-Fascists and they are pretending to fight each other! They are in, reality both left wing and fall under the loose umbrella of the Democrat party! For propaganda purposes, however, the Moops and Goons of the Democrat controlled media have attempted to falsely brand the Neo-Nazis, etc., as the right wing in order to bring disrepute to loyal, patriotic Americans!

  25. This is shaping up as a First Amendment Issue. There’s been a lot of American Blood spilled to make sure they had the right to gather and express their opinion no matter how much vile the rest of us think it is. Had Antifa not shown up that woman would still be alive today and we would all have forgotten about their little clown show. But I can tell you this, BLM, BAMN, and Antifa are contributing in a major way to the growth of these groups.

  26. ” riot gear and carrying AR-15s”

    First of all that was Tactical Gear. Second of all, those were Militia that were there to keep the peace. Which they did to the best of their ability after LEO Bailed. You don’t have enough facts to argue your point. I’m out.

  27. Oh, Big Fur Hat… I think I’d rather remain an enigma. Thanks.

    MJA, I do sorta agree with you that everyone wearing riot gear on both sides was obviously there with bad intentions and I SHOULD be able to finish this statement “and therefore are all to blame”. However, as I pointed out before the Nazis marching through the streets the night before “blood and soil”… I heard reports of threats and harassment… IMO, the protestors protesting the Nazis showing up in riot gear to match the Nazis in riot gear was well reasoned. Illegal but well reasoned.

    I also think we’re going to see more and more of it. In no small part because of the attitude of guys like Bad_Brad “I have a gun and I’m just waiting for shit to go sideways so I can take over my neighborhood since I’m 100% sure I’m the baddest mother fucker that lives here.” Lots of liberals have heard enough of the BS and Trump has made that BS get a LOT louder.

    So, Trump just tweeted something dumb about Gen Pershing…. no doubt in reference to the fake story about him burying Muslims with pigs… It’s so dumb. How the hell do you folks still support him? At this point he’s got to be wearing you thin.

  28. Trolly McTrollface- Yes, dumbass. They had a permit. Them doing some stupid ass torch dance is not illegal. It was B-movie tacky.
    If you’re allowed to carry, legally, you carry.
    Antifa were the ones hiding weapons and home made bombs in the bushes. And when do they ever get a permit to do anything? They don’t. They just riot.

  29. @Bad_Brad, you’re too eager to show your special skills homie. When I said in riot gear (there were guys in riot gear, shields, helmets, body armor) and carrying AR-15’s (wearing tactical vests ect…) I didn’t necessarily mean they were the same person. It’s hard to carry a full body shield AND an AR-15 knucklehead, at least if you want to be even the slightest bit ready with the rifle anyhow.

  30. Trolly McTrollface- Again, you’re going to condone antifa showing up with weapons and gear over some dumbasses trolling the area with tiki torches and scaring children. Isn’t that what the cops are for?
    Who made antifa the police? LOL. Gaah.

    And no, we don’t worry about Trump because he’s doing just fine. On the other hand, we do see a lot of stupidity on the Democrat side with pelosi, people who don’t know what sex they are, maxine waters, hillary and her infinite amount of scandals and criminal activities, her rapist husband, oh and that debbie w. Shultz who hire that IT guy who is causing the DNC a whole lotta problems right now. I have more, but I don’t want to embarrass you.

  31. @Bad_Brad… what’s with the “Actually I wear a gun 24/7” comment? It seems a bit non-sequitur. Since you brought it up though, I’m betting you carry a .45 or maybe a .357 magnum, one of those 5 round barrel jobs made out of super light composite that rips your hand off when you fire. You remind me of dudes in the shooting forums that go on an on about how you can’t stop a guy on PCP with a .380. LOL!

  32. BFH, why do you feel the need to put people in box? Why does it have to be binary? You can’t deal with my words unless you can come up with a “well, we don’t have to listen to him because he’s a XYZ”… does it hurt? The cognitive dissonance my words cause? Is that why you NEED to know all about me so you can dismiss them?

  33. No stupid.
    I will dismiss your words with reasoned arguments once I know from what perspective you are talking.
    When you say “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” it is necessary to know where you are coming from for me to explain to you why your arguments are asinine.

  34. MJA, Trump cheated with the Russians and you want to talk about HILLARY!? Even this weekend was the damn Russians. Daily Stormer. That’s a Russian web site, it was only proxied to a US IP address… and right now they only thing they have left up is their VK page because Russia won’t kick them off the internet while all sane USA citizens that want to keep their business profitable had to.

  35. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” need no further explanation BFH… Don’t believe me? Start a new thread asking people what they thing of that philosophy and if further info is required.

  36. HAHAHAHAHA! The Russians again! Didn’t you hear Cuomo and Van Jones among others say there’s nothing to the Russia story? It’s just for ratings?
    Where do you get your news!? I mean, really. Where? Facebook?
    Because every time the Dems dig, they turn up 0bama, Lynch, Rice, Hillary and her road crew.

  37. Anyone wanna take bets that
    Trolly McTrollface is Fur (/s),
    ’cause we haven’t had a good
    idiot punching bag come around here in AGES?!

    He doesn’t use as many expletives as the typical suspects do,
    but the one-dimensional thinking and lies are SPOT ON!

  38. The seas will rise, ISIS exists because there are no jobs, Hillary will win, Guam will tip over, Maxine’s gonna peach this president, killing live- born babies for profit at planned parenthood (who also called hillary their hero) lol. Democrats.

  39. MJA, I think the LEO’s that “bailed” I think is how someone in here put it… made the ANTIFA the police. Maybe they were taking the “let em fight. They’re brothers” approach… if everything somebody was going on about how they’re two tines of the same fork is true. I don’t know I’m just glad someone stood up to the Nazis and KKK.

    As to the other part of your post a few back (sorry, missed it initially) I am embarrassed by the dumbocrats but no more than you. I don’t support them. The Republicans though, that are staying quiet through all of Trump’s follies… they disgust me. I’m glad at least a few have come out and called Trump on his ignorance and recklessness.

  40. Uhh Trolly, no one is disputing the theory of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
    Try and keep up.
    It’s important to know what your ideology is to understand who you think your enemy is.

    If you won’t stipulate it then we are done. You are done.

    I pretty much know the answer because you are just outside of Chicago and you cannot follow logic and reason and are a beat behind.
    Stop wasting time here with your clandestine style of debate, Mr. Not as much an enigma than you think you are.

    You’ll be bounced, not because of your beliefs, but because of your inauthenticity.

  41. Again, how was Trump wrong? For saying the correct thing? For hurting feewings? They were ALL at fault. Different reasons, but they were all at fault. BTW, isn’t it convenient that antifa become the ‘cops’ after they set off the fighting?

  42. Trolly,

    I’m worried about you pal. Your sounding a little delusional. Maybe it’s time to climb up out of your moms basement and get a little sun light. And put down that joint.

  43. ” I don’t know I’m just glad someone stood up to the Nazis and KKK.”
    Again, the cops would have done that, if the nazis got out of hand. But no, antifa got in the middle of it just to be assholes. They could easily have stayed separate and counter protested like adults do.
    No, they had to jump in and start fighting.

  44. You just don’t want to have nazis say anything at all, which is fine. I don’t want to hear their shit either. BUT. They have a right to their speech and they did get a permit handed to them. An emotionally together person would not freak out and call a mob over it.

  45. “WOW…. still with the Benghazi stuff? Really?”

    Yeah, sweetheart, it’s not going away. people died and no one has been held responsible. And it is being investigated again. This time with Dems helping. Problem with that?

  46. MJA, Nazis are wrong. The KKK is wrong. They showed up ready to enact violence and they, as a matter of their philosophy and history are OBVIOUSLY willing to commit that violence against ANYONE outside their “white power” BS. That’s how Trump is wrong. He doesn’t get that. He also doesn’t get that Confederate Generals are not the same as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. The confederacy was at WAR with the USA when those folks were Generals. But I guess that’s probably another thread.

  47. MJA…. the Benghazi thing was investigated, TO CONCLUSION and they found no evidence of wrong doing. Unlike the Trump Russia investigation that is ONGOING! Yet, all his people keep saying “no evidence, no evidence”…. Just because there’s no hard evidence at this point doesn’t mean some won’t turn up… it’s being “investigated”.

  48. “The KKK is wrong. They showed up ready to enact violence ”

    O.K. idiot, if Antifa would not have shown up, who would the Nazis perpetrated this violence on? The Nazis had a legal permit. Antifa did not. Antifa came there to attack the Nazis. Like it or not, the Nazis have First Amendment Rights.

  49. Any of you look up the Daily Stormer on VK yet? I bet some of you have. That’s Russian social media BTW for those that don’t know.

    Seriously… you guys that support Trump have been played like a harp.

  50. You think #antifa is your friend.

    In the war of morons, when the smoke clears I will be hoping that the KKK have killed Antifa, each and every one of them.
    They are communists, anti-capitalists, anti-American and are more of a threat to America than the KKK.

    After the KKK kills each and every leftist we can deal with the KKK – and by “we” I mean America loving people of all colors.

    That’s the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
    See how perspective is needed for the idiom to make sense?

  51. @Bad_Brad, the Nazis and KKK have histories of killing people and you seem to forget they killed someone THIS WEEKEND! “Who would they have”… ANYONE that isn’t part of their white Christian whatever… Are you going to deny the Holocaust or that Lynchings took place?

  52. They were permitted to speak. Get that through your head. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not. Not one bit. There was no fighting until someone brought the fight TO them. Had antifa not shown up and left those dumbasses alone to spew their stupid, we’d be talking about how the dumbass nazis saidXX or didXX. But we’re not. Are we? No. Because dumbass antifa. Antifa only shows up TO fight and riot. They have no other purpose other wise. Show me where they have been and haven’t started shit? Show me where they’ve gone and not brought bats, chains, explosives. Fires don’t start themselves.
    They both suck. But if antifa had a calm protest, with a permit, and someone else came in to just shit on their parade and start throwing punches, that’s bad, too. But that’s not what happened. They both suck, one attacked, the other attacked and one person, plus 2 cops are dead from a helicopter crash.

    “He doesn’t get that. He also doesn’t get that Confederate Generals are not the same as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.” Oh please. Antifa and BLM are trying to take them down as well. They hate every thing that came out of this country. What the hell did Lincoln do to get trashed like that?

    it doesn’t matter how you ‘feel’ about the statues. Any of them. They are there because of history. Each one has a story and a lesson. Each battlefield does as well. Where does it stop? It will never stop, because antifa and blm and the nazis, the klan and whoever else are not happy until everyone’s as miserable as they are.

  53. Time for BFH to participate in today’s HISTORY QUIZ….

    BFH, Please identify the starting year for each of these groups…
    1. Nazis
    2. KKK
    3. ANTIFA

    BFH, Please give a rough body count that can be attributed to each of the groups above.

    Added bonus math question (5 extra credit points)
    Determine the average per year body count for each group.

    Once you’ve done all that maybe, just maybe you can figure out which group is a “bigger threat” and then you’ll know who YOUR enemy is.

    I’ll be back tomorrow to check your answers. Stuff to do now though so I can’t play anymore.

  54. “CNN bint calls for the removal of George Washington statues.”

    Blacks are like 12.7 % of our total population. Can’t we just remove 13% of these offensive statues and call it good?

  55. My grandfather was held in a nazi POW camp. He’s told me stories, Jews have told me stories. I don’t need to hear 4th hand reporting about nazis from some guy on the internet.
    antifa bullshit ends in nazi tactics. Rinse, repeat. They are the same person. If we let either side win, whoever’s left will start ‘cleaning’ their own house when some are deemed not to be as ‘pure’ as what they want. The public is watching and we are not impressed with any of these haters.

  56. I can’t believe morons are splitting hairs over communist ideology. LOL. My God.
    This is sad. if ‘WTF gang’ had the same ideology as the others he listed, but they’re new on the scene, of course they won’t have many kills under their belt. But ‘WTF gang’ would still be as dangerous as the others because of the single same ideology. He’s using body count as a measuring stick for righteousness? Unbelievable.

  57. Another example:
    Islamic Jihad is splintered into many groups, old and new, but do the same damage. Same ideology, some have crazier tactics than the others, but the same goal.

    But that’s not enough. Trolly wants to separate them by body count and age, so the newest group doesn’t seem ‘as bad’. LOL

  58. I’m done.
    He’s obviously a Bern-out and an antifa fan. [The last one of them ended up trying to kill some Republican congressmen.] Obviously, they can’t form a thought without reading what someone wrote on their dirty bandanas.

  59. Looks like Big Flowery Hat spent all his time trying to track my IP address last night and didn’t bother to do the homework I assigned. How rude. If I was the decider you’d be going to GITMO. “Ahhhh he he… fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice… ah, um, well, you can’t get fooled again.” – GWB

    It looks like you not-so-bright-Bart lovers are going to get your pasty faced leader back! I’m sure that’s exciting for you. Maybe you should send some bagels to the office for his first day… Oops! I meant doughnuts. Bannon probably won’t eat a bagel, certainly not with lox. Mashugana goyim, no taste.

    If the country is lucky you can soon read the rantings of Steven Miller in the same spot and pretend they are the “real news” while you froth at the mouth reading made up stories about Michelle Obama being a man who frequents the non-existent basement at Comet Pizza to use her non-existent penis to commit heinous acts against humanity. I’d tell Bad_Brad to lock and load and smoke out the perpetrators but that’s been tried already.

    It’s sad, I’ve wandered on to this page a few times over the past year wondering when I was going to see this group of otherwise reasonably intelligent people turn against Trump but I guess I don’t need to drop by anymore. From the look of things you guys could care less what Trump is actually about or what he does. You don’t care how bad he fucks up the country or who he starts a war with and how much blood and treasure that will cost us. You just hate “the other side” so damned much that it’s blinded you to reality. You probably thing Obama is a secret Muslim. LOL! The kind that smokes, drinks and eats bacon.

    Trump is every horrible thing he was accused of being by Republicans and Democrats alike during the primary and general elections and he’s probably a number of horrible things we just don’t know about yet. But we will know about them soon enough….

    It’s Mueller Time boys! Enjoy the show.

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