Trump: You Built That with ‘American Heart, American Hands, and American Grit’ – IOTW Report

Trump: You Built That with ‘American Heart, American Hands, and American Grit’

Breitbart: President Donald Trump credited the American spirit and work ethic for building the nation’s infrastructure in his State of the Union speech on Tuesday and called on Congress to craft legislation to modernize it.

“As we rebuild our industries, it is also time to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure,” Trump said. “America is a nation of builders.”

“We built the Empire State Building in just one year,” Trump said. “Isn’t it a disgrace that it can now take ten years just to get a minor permit approved for the building of a simple road?”

“I am asking both parties to come together to give us safe, fast, reliable, and modern infrastructure that our economy needs and our people deserve,” Trump said. “Tonight, I’m calling on Congress to produce a bill that generates at least $1.5 trillion for the new infrastructure investment that our country so desperately needs.”  read more

13 Comments on Trump: You Built That with ‘American Heart, American Hands, and American Grit’

  1. I seem to remember someone saying that they had all these shovel ready jobs a few years back. It was weird because he also like to say, “You didnt build that,” at the same time.

    This is from 2011 report from Citizens Against Government Waste’s site:

    When questioned at a June 13, 2011 meeting with his Council on Jobs and Competitiveness about the tortuous permitting process for construction projects, President Obama quipped, “Shovel-ready wasn’t as…uh…shovel-ready as we thought.” While this explanation might satisfy a room full of friendly supporters, it is doubtful that the millions of jobless across the nation are finding much to laugh about in this dismal economy.

    With an extensive track record of failed Keynesian economic policies, it is time for the Obama administration to make a U-turn. The federal government should lower corporate taxes and remove the massive regulatory burden on businesses, which would increase certainty and inspire the private sector to begin hiring. With a national unemployment rate of 9.1 percent, Americans are in need of jobs now – not multiple years down the road.

    Wow…..6 years ago they proposed a solution, Trump did what they said and boom goes the economy. Who would have thunk it?

  2. Historians will whittle Trumps epic SOTU speech down to how many times he said FU to the democrats and their previous statements. It will still be less then Obama said “I” in the parking lot of an ice cream parlor….

  3. The Pentagon was built in a year, too.

    Panama Canal? 11 years in spite of multiple setbacks like unstable soil, mosquito borne disease and ancient technology.

    We retooled our auto industries to make military hardware in very little time.

    Man on the moon? 7 years.

    Trump is right. There ain’t nothing we can’t do if we put our minds to it.

  4. That was a great SOTU Address, he nailed it! But we won’t get anything done without draining the swamp. Release the frickin memo! It’s a requirement as far as I’m concerned, and I’m thinking there is YUGE pressure on him to not release it. The fbi has grave concerns about releasing it, no fucking doubt! Bernie Madoff didn’t want the evidence coming out on him either.

  5. joe6pak

    They’re saying tomorrow. However the FBI is trying to go to war with the White House. Five FBI professional types met with Kelly for most the day. Wray seems to be backing the Black Hats.
    Don Jr. was on Hannity last night telling a story about how he ran into seven FBI agents at the Shot Show and the all told him to tell his father to release the memo and clean house.

  6. joe6pak

    I hope DJT has his best security detail with him. I’ve heard rumors he has a lot of Special Forces guys on it now. Makes sense. He wisely cuddled up to patriotic military peeps.
    Here’s the deal. The FBI is asking him to suppress shit that has a direct implication to the Mueller witch hunt. There’s NO logic there. Take a spin around the INTERNET and FBI critters are panicked. Trump needs to get this out ASAP.

  7. joe6pak

    I’d love to see a bunch of Army Rangers or Seals walk into the FBI and shut their ass down. The FBI is concerning. The CIA is scarier than hell. Operators with no Patriotism.

  8. @PHenry January 31, 2018 at 9:30 pm

    > There ain’t nothing we can’t do if we put our minds to it.

    It’s not your minds Columbia wants. And POTUS as well! Shock of shocks.

    “at least $1.5 trillion for the new infrastructure investment”

    See proles? It’s not pols hemorrhaging the prolesother “peoples” money! It’s an “investment”!
    (DJT is a loyal companion. But a dog always returns to it’s own vomit.)

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