Tucker Carlson Undergoes Emergency Back Surgery, Describes Pain As Unreachable By Synthetic Opioids – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson Undergoes Emergency Back Surgery, Describes Pain As Unreachable By Synthetic Opioids

Team Tucker Carlson

Fox News host Tucker Carlson underwent emergency back surgery Wednesday morning and then did his nightly show that evening.

“Tucker Carlson had emergency back surgery yesterday and did the show anyway. He thanks all those who tuned in and watched closely,” a Fox News spokesperson said in a statement on Thursday. More

Vice has more detail on Tucker’s experience on pain killers while awaiting surgery, he apparently was so pumped with Dilaudid that breathing became an issue. Here

16 Comments on Tucker Carlson Undergoes Emergency Back Surgery, Describes Pain As Unreachable By Synthetic Opioids

  1. He looked different this week. His hair seemed like it was still wet.
    He was definitely out of sorts.
    He usually mocks the hell out of corrupt bastards but something was off.
    I wish him well, we need all the street fighters we can muster.
    He needs to go RINO hunting again…

  2. Having had 3 ruptured discs, I have nothing but respect for Tucker continuing to do his job. It is very painful, with or without surgery, it is a debilitating event.

    I do not always agree with him, but the fact that he was actually able to do his job, major props

  3. I’m a 6 Tramadol a day and 3 Neurontins during my worst days and thought I was in bad-shape being almost paraplegic due to lower back pain but that seems to pale against Tucker getting NO relief from the strongest stuff. I can imagine but hate to think about it.

  4. I can relate, two rods and 6 decking screws and a promise that more is coming down the road. The good part is I no longer carry crutches in my car in case I have to walk and the pain is only now and then and bearable without funny buzzy pills. I wish him the best, we need him on our side.

  5. C3, C4 & L5 messed up with a more than a dozen other surgeries and consider myself in good shape compared to one of my friends with over two dozen surgeries and seven on his back.

    Yes Norco and muscle relaxers can be your friend, but over time lose their effectiveness…

    That and our friends with the government are trying to limit and tell the docs how to prescribe.

  6. 16 months of severe pain, the opioid pain killers and steroid shots did nothing to relieve the pain.
    I had surgery last January. Amazing, I forgot what a pain free existence was like.


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