Vaxx horror: 44% of pregnant women in Pfizer vaxx trial lost their babies – IOTW Report

Vaxx horror: 44% of pregnant women in Pfizer vaxx trial lost their babies

Report: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs For Expectant Mothers Anyway.

American Greatness:

More than 40 percent of pregnant women who participated in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine trial suffered miscarriages, according internal Pfizer documents, recently released under court order. Despite this, Pfizer, and the Biden administration insisted that the vaccines were safe for pregnant women. Out of 50 pregnant women, 22 of them lost their babies, according to an analysis of the documents.

In a January court ruling, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman of the Northern District of Texas, ordered the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to release around 12,000 documents immediately, and then 55,000 pages a month until all documents were released, totaling more than 300,000 pages.

The nonprofit group, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, sued the FDA last September, after the agency denied its Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to expedite the release of mRNA vaccine review documents. In a November 2021 joint status report, the FDA proposed releasing only 500 pages of the documents a month, which would have taken up to 75 years.

Trial documents released in April revealed that Pfizer had to hire 1,800 additional full-time employees in the first half of 2021 to deal with “the large increase” of adverse reactions to its COVID vaccine.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine was made available under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) on Dec. 11, 2020. By February of 2021, the company was seeing so many safety signals, including in pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, it had to immediately hire 600 employees to process the data.

22 Comments on Vaxx horror: 44% of pregnant women in Pfizer vaxx trial lost their babies

  1. There’s something that makes this more horrible that they don’t tell you about clinical trials.
    The patient has to pay or convince their insurance company to pay for the drugs they are using in the trials.
    My brother and niece are participating in a clinical trial and the VA pays for my brother and my niece has union insurance so they get it paid for. Otherwise it would be around $1500 per month.

    It’s not right to make a patient pay to be a guinea pig.

    Pfizer needs to be banned from the US.

  2. No shit Sherlock.

    You guys never did ANY mutanagenic, teratogenic, or gestational studies on your murderous poison, yet without ANY DATA AT ALL it was hawked by FUCKING POLITICIANS as “sAfE aNd EfFeCTiVe” for pregnant women.

    Go to hell.

    “Thus saith the LORD; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, because they were not.”

    Jeremiah 31:15

    May you all suffer the fate of Herod an hundredfold as YOUR slaughter of the innnocents was 100 times WORSE.

    An eterinty is not enough.

    Damn you all.

    And that right soon.

    And if ever I have the opportunity to speed your trip, I WILL.

    And I am not alone.

  3. I have a distant relative that thinks having a pick up truck or an American flag on your house makes you a stupid redneck. He hates Trump and thinks we are all going to die from global warming. College did a real number on him. He and his wife are both double vaxed and twice boosted. She’s had covid once and he is on his second bout of covid.
    Now they are talking about having a baby.
    Sorry to say this but perhaps not bringing another liberal pantie-wad into this world might be a good thing.

  4. I was reading the comment section on a local news station’s story about HHS secretary lying, well they didn’t say he was lying, but he was when he said that there would be zero deaths if everyone would get fully vaccinated with boosters.

    The comment that ended up with thousands of replies was one where a woman said her mother died from covid after doing everything right, she isolated for 2 years, was vaccinated 5 times. Had just recently started leaving her house to go to store and such, but always masked.

    To her credit she didn’t blame the unvaccinated she blamed the vaxes don’t work.

    Comment after comment though was people who said much the same boosted and dead with covid. Then comment after comment of family who died suddenly after the first or second jab. Then comment after comment of family members who died after the 3rd, 4th or 5th jab.
    Then people started commenting about their sister, sister-in-law, friend, etc. who lost their baby after being jabbed, some miscarried, some were stillborn.
    Then a lady commented that she was forced to get vaccinated by the hospital she worked in to keep her job and then her baby was stillborn. She said she had obtained an attorney who was suing her employer for starters and was looking for a loophole somewhere to sue the government and drug manufacturers. Her post was sad as well, wishing it had killed her as well.

    After her post, the news station deleted the post, although the story was still on their website, but comments were turned off. I guess we must not let people know there are lawsuits or give others any ideas.

  5. 2 years ago we knew that the chances of losing your baby or a deformation were most likely really high. If you got the jab while you were pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant you were playing Russian Roulette. Any young woman, or man for that matter, that would inject themselves with an agent that alters your RNA, while your growing a little human, is not rowing with both oars in the water.
    Here’s a great example of the two California’s. About 18 months ago my daughter in law had just graduated from nursing school and had just gotten pregnant. Every hospital or clinic she applied to, in Sacramento County, demanded she get the jab. She finally found a job at a nursing home that did not require the jab. Fast forward to today. Grand daughters been born, she decides she wants to get back to work. Sacramento County is still demanding the jab. She applies in our little red neck county at their hospital system, gets hired on the spot. She tells them, I’m not getting the jab. The HR person tells her very few people that work for that system have taken the jab. HR had her fill out a Religious Exemption form which consisted of checking a box next to “Religious Exemption”. No specifics were asked.
    Back to Sacramento County. There’s a huge nursing shortage. And they will not back off the mandate for the jab. Or apparently look at any of the statistical data that’s just now starting to flow.
    Fauci did one hell of a job for big Pharma. He should get the salesman award of the millennium. And then be hung.

  6. Yes Brad, here in Maine General Mills fired over 2000 health care employees and now we have a nursing shortage and she didn’t fund the nursing homes or veterans’ homes so those are closing and short staffed.
    Liberals are dumb.

  7. beachmom

    “Liberals are dumb.” Boy are they. The purpose of the JAB is to preserve lives. What going to create a bigger body count due to her actions? Her entire family should be sterilized to make sure this kind of stupidity cannot continue.
    Unless of course the purpose of the JAB was NOT to preserve lives.

  8. Unless of course the purpose of the JAB was NOT to preserve lives.

    That has to be considered a real possibility in light of the Elites stating that world population must be reduced.

  9. If the survivors of the deceased agree to put Covid on the death certificate.
    And who pays? We do.

    You may qualify for up to $9,000 per funeral for expenses.
    Who is Eligible?
    * you are a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified non-citizen.
    the death occurred in the United States, including U.S. territories and the District of Columbia;
    *the death was attributed to COVID-19; and
    you are responsible for the eligible funeral expenses incurred on or after January 20, 2020

  10. It’s another fiendish way to reduce the population.

    Let us list the ways the powerful do this to us:

    Getting gangbangers to murder each other and innocent people daily
    Support and funding of abortion
    Mind control over deranged people to get them to mass murder
    Distribution of fatal diseases
    Support of homosexuality, transgenderism, and other perversions
    Distribution of fentanyl and other dangerous drugs
    Reducing water availability by not building de-salination plants
    Reducing food availability
    Reducing our mobility
    Distibution of vaccines that kill
    Support of sick movies and other “entertainment” that demeans patriotic people and Christianity

    Friends – please add to the list if I have missed anything.


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