VIDEO: Hillary defends stamina — as she chews on cough drop – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Hillary defends stamina — as she chews on cough drop


Do you think Hillary would sell these cough drop dispensers on her website? 

Call me, Hills! 

AmericanMirror: Hillary Clinton once again defended her stamina on the campaign trail again today, but as she did it, she could be seen chewing on a cough drop.

While castigating Donald Trump for what she said he “has done to women and girls,” she paused to roll the cough drop around in her mouth.

“You know, any of you see the debates?” she asked the crowd as she could be seen moving the lozenge around.

9 Comments on VIDEO: Hillary defends stamina — as she chews on cough drop

  1. You can’t make me watch another Hillary video.
    Reminds me of admiral James Denton, who was a POW after having been shot down in north Vietnam blinking out Morse code with his eyes. T-O-R-T-U-R-E.
    That’s what a Hillary video is. Torture.

  2. I know, it’s off topic. But…

    ‘what she said he “has done to women and girls,”‘

    This has been his great sin. He “offended” evesdroppers (sic) – and third, fourth, and forty-second hand gossips. Period. Full stop.

    “Vote for Her! Because vagina!” This has turned into “Allowed to vote with vagina?”

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