WAPO Does Glowing Muslim Propaganda Piece – The Good News? The Commenters Are Not Buying It – IOTW Report

WAPO Does Glowing Muslim Propaganda Piece – The Good News? The Commenters Are Not Buying It

Muslim camps are spreading in the U.S. to help kids ‘be proud of who they are.’

It doesn’t help when the opening paragraphs of this ridiculous propaganda piece have the precocious little future caliphate builders bashing Trump and mischaracterizing what he said. It doesn’t have the endearing effect the WAPO staff thought it would with the commenters.


The youngest children, ages 3 to 5, learned about the animals of the Koran. (“Old Mustafa had a farm,” they sang at the last day’s assembly in a muddle of high-pitched, off-tempo toddler voices. “And on that farm he had some bees — with the blessing of Allaaaaah.”)

And the 12- to 16-year-olds met the Afghan American author Nadia Hashimi, who read them a passage from her new book, “One Half from the East,” about an Afghan girl whose parents disguise her as a boy so that she can help provide for the family in a restrictive Afghan society.

“How do you think that makes girls feel?” Hashimi asked the adolescents, prompting a discussion about gender equality, followed by an exercise in storytelling.


Calvin M – From 9/11 to 7/7 to Boston to Miami, Islamic culture has touched us all.
 Who wouldn’t be proud of that? 
Dem-Smasher – If you accept a known TERRORIST and PEDOPHILE/Rapist as your “PROPHET”, get out!

Craig Lathrop – So what writings do Muslims turn to for “morals and ethics” teachings?
Kurt Smith – This story reminds me of those documentary shorts the Nazis used to put out about their youth camps. Lib journalists are such tools.
Embiggen- Waiting for WaPo to do an article on why Oslo is the rape capital of the world. Of course *you* know why.

Also, still waiting for Godot.
ht/ fdr in hell

12 Comments on WAPO Does Glowing Muslim Propaganda Piece – The Good News? The Commenters Are Not Buying It

  1. Old Muhammad had a pig, e i e i o
    When he saw that pig his “eye” got big. Islam has got to go!
    Muhammad took that pig to a cave. (1st chorus)
    He made that pig his sweet love slave. (2nd chorus)
    Muhammad named his pig Gabreel,
    He ate pig $h!t for every meal.
    Up and down that cave they ran,
    The piggie’s grunts became Koran!

  2. Mooselimb camp so that little jihadis in training can be proud of who they are? Proud of what? Worshiping an Arabian moon god and a genocidal maniac pedophile prophet who was a rapist, thief, and murderer?

    They should be ashamed. Their god is evil. Their prophet was evil. Their “religion” is evil. They are evil and should be shunned by a civilized society, not lionized by the WaPo(op).

  3. Oh I get it now. 12 to 16 year old kids… is this the genital mutilation camp? The arranged marriage for pedophiles camp? The ‘let’s practice mutta marriage with children camp’?
    Why not have the inspirational Clockmed speak?

  4. 758 comments are there so far. As far as I can tell, none have been taken out.

    Best rated comment;
    “Dear Abigail as a woman raised in islamic culture, and having escaped it and its misogynist, women-as-cattle/second-class-humans/sex-slaves, male-dominant belief system, nothing saddens me more than young western women, raised in leftwing college culture turning their common sense and intelligence into mush by defending and glamorizing islam, the one religion that truly symbolizes submission and suppression and us vs them (the infidels) mentality, where “peace” means peace among moslem brothers and nothing else. I won’t call you a fool Abigail as I don’t think you are, but I will call you another leftwing young woman turned into foolishness.


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